NANOspark Fire Starter by Exotac

2 years ago

You can find the NANOspark here:

There are a lot of "Emergency Firestarters" on the market. How many of them would actually do you good in an emergency situation is probably quite a small fraction of those. Most are frankly not very well thought out, or they are difficult to use when you are cold and/or wet. Not so with the NANOspark by Exotac.

The Exotac NANOspark is a great little fire starter. If you want to go the bushcraft route, you can make your nice little birds nest and throw sparks into it. Baby it along and get a fire going. On the other hand, if you NEED to start a fire, the Nanospark will do it.

The NANOspark is machined out of aluminum and has a small waterproof container, making up the body of the unit. Inside, it comes with a compact piece of tinder which can easily be fluffed up to catch a spark. This is invaluable in an emergency. The tinder is easy to light and incredibly forgiving if your fire making skills aren't on point.

There are some other great features built in as well, which is why the NANOspark has become a fixture on my key chain and part of my EDC (Every Day Carry). A turn key solution to starting a fire.

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