Enough is Enough: Let’s Stop the Threat of Porn to our Children with Guest Donna Rice Hughes

2 years ago

Did you know that 58% of kids under the age of 14 are consuming graphic pornography on a regular basis? Or that 80 to 90% of this filth depicts violence against women? Today’s porn can lead to sex trafficking and many other corrupt forms of brokenness. On this edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton interviews Donna Rice Hughes, president and CEO of Enough is Enough. With a mission to protect children and empower moms and dads, she urges parents to become cyber savvy by using Internet filters, regular monitoring, and using time-limiting tools. As a culture, it’s time that we collectively yell, “Enough is enough!” We will no longer allow pornography to rob our kids of their innocence and pollute their minds.

About Today's Guest: Donna Rice Hughes
Donna Rice Hughes is an author, speaker, and producer. She also serves as the president and CEO of Enough Is Enough, a non-profit organization with a mission to prevent Internet-enabled exploitation of children. Since 1994, Donna has been a pioneering leader on the frontlines of U.S. efforts to make the Internet safer for children and families by implementing a three-pronged strategy. It involves the public, the technology industry and legal community sharing the responsibility to protect children online. It was during that same era that Ms. Hughes advocated for key bi-partisan legislation to protect children from Internet pornography, sexual predators and other dangers including the Communications Decency Act, Child Online Protection Act, Children’s Internet Protection Act, and the Child Pornography Prevention Act. She developed and spearheaded multiple campaigns including the “National Safe Wi-Fi” Campaign, calling on Corporate America to filter pornography and child sex abuse images on public Wi-Fi. As a result, both McDonald’s and Starbucks are now filtering Wi-Fi in all of their company owned stores. Donna and her family reside in Virginia.

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