Impressions Workout: Thor

2 years ago

Okay, so not technically a fitness influencer (although Chris Hemsworth does have that fitness app thing so I guess you could make an argument there), but aside from the gym and fitness, I’ve always been a huge movie nerd and a big Marvel fan. And I mean way before the MCU (shoutout if you remember Spiderman: The Animated Series from back in the day 🙌🏻).

Chris Hemsworth’s Thor has been one of my favorite characters to see developed in the MCU. It took awhile for them to develop him (when he was first introduced, I didn’t think the character worked because he was too one dimensional), but during Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame, I thought they found the perfect balance of fun, goofy Thor and play-it-straight God of Thunder Thor.

But listen to me rambling on 😂 enjoy the impression⚡️

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