Superlative Arms Adjustable Gas Block

1 year ago

You can find the SA Adjustable Gas Block here:

Most AR-15 / M-4 patterned rifles are overgassed.  While a general statement, it holds true quite a bit.  When a rifle is overgassed, it introduces extra carbon into the weapon and wears out parts prematurely.  There are a number of ways people have tried to combat this.  Such as using Extra Power Buffer Springs or heavier buffers to slow the bolt carrier group.  While these work to an extent, they don't solve the issue of limiting the amount of gas in the rifle.

The Superlative Arms Adjustable Gas Block addresses this head on. It bleeds off extra gas out of the gas block rather than pushing it back through your barrel.  And it has 30 clicks of adjustment.  Unlike "Adjustable" gas blocks that move from open to suppressed, 2 Settings.  This allows for you to fine tune your rifle with the appropriate amount of gas to ensure reliable function.

This creates a cleaner and softer shooting weapon. And if you run suppressors, you will see a HUGE difference when tuning your rifle with this adjustable gas block.

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