Canada Cannot be Fixed – Alberta Must Become Independent by Michael Wagner

1 year ago

Over the last several decades, there have been many proposals by influential people about how to improve Alberta’s situation within Canada. None of their recommendations were implemented.

Most significant, of course, was the Reform Party of Canada. Alberta voted overwhelmingly for the Reform Party during the 1990s, but Canada’s political system could not be fixed.

And that's the bottom line: If Preston Manning and the Reform Party could not get a Triple E Senate and otherwise reform Canada’s political system, then it can’t be done. The West has tried to fix Canada, but it doesn’t want to be fixed. Therefore, the only remaining alternative is for Alberta to get out.

There is no other option.

This video clip is from a talk given the evening of January 14, 2023 in Edmonton, Alberta.

For more information about the need for Alberta independence, see the book No Other Option: Self-Determination for Alberta. It is available from Amazon at:

Also relevant is the book Alberta: Separatism Then and Now which is available from Merchant Ship at:

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