Jehovah Jireh! Luke 11:5-13

2 years ago

Jehovah Jireh (Luke 11:5-13 Parable of the friend at midnight)
We have an old saying in the Appalachian Mountains, “You do not bite the hand that feeds you.” It stems from one caring for a pet or livestock and the fact that they will not be likely to continue to feed an animal that tries to attack them when they are trying to care of it. This then translates over to relationships we have in our lives; it would be silly for us to treat the ones who are trying to care for us harshly because when we do we become our own worst enemy. One of the names given to God in our Holy Bible is Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14) which literally means The Lord will provide. I am not saying that the church is like a dog biting its master’s hand as it places the food bowl in front of it, but I do think that we need to become more aware of who our provider is. In this parable, Jesus wants to relay to those in whom He is speaking that God is more than willing and able to meet the needs of His followers if they are willing to bring them before Him. Once we begin to realize that God is the provider of everything and the One who meets every need, we will no longer seek assistance from any other source.
When we understand where your fountain of life comes from, there is no reason to look anywhere else for a solution to anything we encounter. You may have a job that provides you money, but you are not the provider for your family, God is. James 1:17 says that every good and perfect gift is from above, it comes down from the father of lights. Once we truly grasp that God almighty is our provider then we simply just set up camp at His feet and never stray from that spot. There is no need to wander or seek assistance from anyone or other source because the Giver of Life and provider of All becomes our life source. We will stay in continuous contact with our life source not because we are a parasite trying to get everything we can out of our host, but because our hearts are knitted together as one knowing the sacrifice that He made on our behalf. We need to wake up and realize that life is not a contest on who can have the most, be the most popular, or who can obtain the most knowledge. Life is about reconnecting with the Creator and continually working on our relationship with Him, never letting anything separate us again.

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