The Best Exercise Program for Weight Loss #quicktipepisode

2 years ago

As a trainer the most common question I get it is,
"What is the best exercise program for weight loss?"
The answer is always HIIT training
HIIT stands for Hight Intensity Interval Training and is done by tracking Heart Rate Zones. It can be either done with cardiovascular exercise or through circuit training. I prefer the later because circuit training also builds muscle and muscle helps increase our metabolic rate to keep the weight off.

So how do I do HIIT training?
First you need to calculate your Heart Rate Zones:
Step 1: 220 minus Resting Heart Rate
Step 2: Resting Heart Rate times the percentage of your Max
Step 3: Add back your Resting Heart Rate

After you have your zones, then you can work on going in and out over certain intervals of time. For example, one minute on, one minute off.

Do this at least 3 times a week and watch the magic happen!


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