ag is the algorithm unfriendly alternative

2 years ago

the Bible is flipping
so grateful to do it my way
man, that weather machine today
ag is right about everything
i'm here to help you do the right thing
you'll know it's the right thing by the feeling that you're getting
you don't have to rationalize the right thing
if it requires rationale IT IS WRONG
i hate porn so much, long before the internet went apeshit
bring you down so low so you can't say no
invite God in and you'll let go of the party favors
here to remind you that GOD IS STILL THE ANSWER
give up and go back to what i'm used to, too easy to do
just keep the faith
i need to go back to twin kegs 2
last summer fizzled out SAD!
i wanna just stick this out and trust God
now is not the time to move to a city
there was a time when i wanted to move to portland, believe it or not
on that baggage claim, there are all yer problems
ten grand to go somewhere else
all the $ we waste thinkin foolishly that we can change ourselves
coffee is a placebo, makes me think i will accomplish shit
already wired just being schizo
to those that tell me to be quiet about schizophrenia FUCK YOU
"your crazy helps my crazy" that's what i'm here for
most people don't have self-awareness so what happened with my friend is highly unlikely these days
women have a uterus AND an asshole
they're trying to kill us...WHATEVER
most will filter out negative information
what the smartphone represents is a lack of faith in humanity
technology plumb pisses me off
a society so voluntarily oblivious deserves to be taken out
ag is truth anti social
i told the truth and they walked away
the good ones will remain loyal
we won't budge, it's good stuff i am stubborn about
me & lexi used to get into it all the time over stupid shit like an icecream scoop
i don't follow/break rules just becuz
the whole purpose of pissing people off is to inspire them to change their behavior
i don't ever wanna do sumin all for my ego
self-destructing by the nano second for totally narcissistic purposes
fuck clusterB
these "people" want nothin to do w/ sense
denial and projection, all they know how to do
welcome, kimberly, welcome

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