My Battle Belt Setup

2 years ago

Battle Belts or War Belts... Lets be honest, they were inspired by Batman's Utility Belt.  It's just that in this case, the Utility they provide is more efficient... Battling!  I transitioned to using a Battle Belt in early 2013 and it has been awesome.  Come take a look.

Continuing the series you can find individual reviews of the gear here:

VTAC Brokos Belt
First Spear AGB
Blue Force Gear 10 Speed Mag Pouches
10 Speed Ultralight Dump Pouch
Compact Tear-Off Med Pouch
ITW Nexus GrimLoc
Tourniquet NOW! Strap and SOF T-Wide
Overlord Short Gloves
Safariland ALS Holster
Blue Force Gear Boo Boo Pouch
The Inner Belt

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