Metta (Loving Kindness) meditation

2 years ago

Metta, also known as loving-kindness, is the practice of cultivating feelings of love, compassion, and kindness towards oneself and others. This meditation will guide you through a series of steps to help you connect with these feelings and cultivate them within yourself.

We’ll start by directing some loving kindness towards ourselves. As Buddha said ‘unless we treat ourselves with love and compassion, we cannot reflect the same on others.’ Once we start experiencing self-love and self-compassion for ourselves, we can show the same to others too.

Studies have shown that a regular practice of loving kindness (Metta) brings about self-compassion, increased focus and attention, and a deep sense of emotional strength that balance our thoughts and actions. It increases well-being by soothing your mind, by cultivating positive emotions such as happiness, appreciation, satisfaction, and ultimately acceptance.

There are many benefits to practicing Metta:
- Deep sense of self-worth
- Uplifts the spirit
- Raises positive vibrations and emotions
- Less self-criticism
- More positive emotions
- Lesser self-destructive thoughts
- Reduced pain symptoms
- More resilience to challenging emotional situations
- More empathy towards others
- Faster recovery and reduction in negative symptoms

No prior knowledge or experience of meditation is required, simply lie back, and follow along.

If you enjoyed this, please check out my other guided meditations, each with a different theme, or tune in to one of the relaxing music videos where you can listen to the blissful tunes and watch incredible imagery of our planet.

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