Good and bad Leaders, God-pleasing Repentance, Warning and Promise ❤️ The Book of the true Life Teaching 55 / 366

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The Book of True Life Teaching 55 / 366

The Master teaches... Good and bad Leaders, God-pleasing Repentance, Warning and Promise

Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950

The Lord says:

1. The light of the Holy Spirit surrounds all spirits.

2. Blessed are you who are preparing yourselves to fulfill the tasks I have given you, for you will feel My help forevermore. I say to you: Do not attempt to silence the voice of your conscience when it points out your errors. Listen to it, for it is My voice. If you wish to please Me, elevate your spirits in prayer once you have corrected your mistakes, and you will always find Me waiting for you, wishing to give you peace.

3. As you develop an ever greater awareness of My forgiveness, dedicate yourselves more and more to the fulfillment of your duties. Never abuse this forgiveness of Mine.

4. All who rise up with the commitment of elevating themselves in spirit by fulfilling My divine law will find themselves surrounded by great multitudes that will follow them. However, should I place you at the top of a multitude of people, do not take hold of them and declare yourselves their lord and master. Keep in mind that even the kings of this time have stepped down from their thrones to become servants of their people, for an era of equality and brotherhood is approaching. Remember that when I called you, you answered with humility and told Me that you would be submissive and take up your cross with love, following My trail with which I marked the path of your spiritual development during the Second Era.

5. If you prepare yourselves, the great trials that are approaching humanity like mighty hurricanes will feel like a light breeze, come to caress you. Thereafter the light of a new dawn will shine forth, and the sun will offer you its benefactions. However, if you are not vigilant, if you allow hypocrisy to develop within your hearts, and if you cover yourselves with sheepskin, even though you are a hungry wolf on the inside, then you will stumble upon great difficulties, and the thorns upon the path will claw at your feet.

6. Woe unto you if your evil tendencies surpass the virtues your spirits possess, or if My teaching does not bear fruit! If you do not meditate on My Word and analyze it, nonetheless believing that you are doing My will, then My light will awaken you. And when you come to know the whole truth, you will remember that I have sent you to this world to do good deeds.

7. You have wished to escape your destiny, but this is something you simply cannot do. Not matter how often you deviate from the path, My mercy will continue to lead you back to it. My law is written down in each and every spirit, and you must obey it.

8. I have seen your dissatisfaction with the leaders of the nations, but you do not understand that they are instruments I use to subdue and reform the people. You have not known how to unite in thought to help those whom I have appointed to lead the nations. You object and give rise to disharmony, all the while I have advised unity and obedience to My will. Love one another, and may your prayers prepare and assist them in spirit.

9. Become unified, Israel, and hear Me! I will submit you to great trials, and I do not wish to see you weep when that happens. Pray for those who do not know how to pray, as well as for those who feel weak. May there be no delight in you over the failures of others; for you do not know that, if you will experience the same trials, you will not grow weary as well.

10. Reject temptation, for this is the time in which this force seeks to multiply its harvest. Only prayer and good deeds will keep all temptation from you.

11. Upon beholding your lack of unity, many doctrines will call upon you to unify. I wish for all of you to be united in Me, practicing worship the very same way I have taught it to you.

12. To assist you in your spiritual elevation, I have prepared the very best place for My children, for I wish to bring you close to Me and to give you My peace. Let whomever feels weary come to Me, and may they find rest and strengthen themselves.

13. Disciples, have mercy on those who break the law, on those who have rebelled, for they are the ones who are in the most dire need of your help and brotherly love. Why does man sin, even though he is aware of righteousness and knows that only by the practice thereof may he attain happiness? Because he does not wish to hear the voice of his conscience, and the shepherds have allowed their sheep to scatter along the many different roads. The shepherds' words no longer possess the power to bring the sheep back to the sheepfold. Where are My disciples, the successors of the apostles of the Second Era?

14. To you, My current pupils, I say: Do not call yourselves pastors or priests; allow Me to guide humanity, for I am its Father, its Judge, its best friend and counselor. May you only be messengers of the good news, and witnesses of My manifestation. Once humanity has achieved the ability to communicate with My Spirit by way of its gifts, it will proceed with a firm step along its path of development, and I will inspire it to do deeds and works in accordance with My law. This will happen after this time of restitution and amendment you are now living through has passed.

15. If you had refrained from sinning, you would not have needed to become acquainted with the severity of the law of restitution, and you would have been able to proceed with your development. Truly, I say to you, that if you who are charged with delivering this message to your brothers fail to do so, you will be judged by humanity, and you will experience the sheer force of this judge, utterly lacking compassion and love.

16. Whenever I have subjected you to a trial to elevate your spirits, I have accompanied you, so that you would not grow weary. And when you have accepted My will, making use of what you have learned, you have felt closer to Me. For that you thank Me, and I give you My peace.

17. I have asked that humanity unite and return to a simple, spiritual life; I wish for the spirits to unite in a single faith, by recognizing and loving Me. All the different doctrines will disappear, and only My law and Word will prevail.

18. I have always manifested My love to you, but you have not understood Me. Do you not know that when I give you a new mission, I want you to attain salvation by fulfilling it? I have chosen you because I love you and want you to be My disciples. However, to truly call yourselves My disciples, you must practice humility and meekness in all that you do.

19. This is the time in which you will harvest all that you have sown. But if you now sow once again to reap later on, use the good seed and cultivate it, for I am giving you a new opportunity to sow.

20. Understand that it is I who have followed you throughout all eras, more than you have ever followed Me. I have done so to inform you of your mission and to teach you to fulfill My law, so your spirits may never deviate from My path. It will be akin to a bell, calling forth the multitudes.

21. How many trials have you had to endure to finally become meek and humble, to truly dedicate yourselves to follow the path of the law! Before you would slander and blaspheme whenever you encountered a trial along your path. Now, however, when you feel that you are living through a difficult life lesson, you pray, because your spirits are ever more illuminated by My light.

22. When I tell you that you and the people of past times are the same, I want you to realize that your spirits have been developing further and further through your reincarnations here on earth. From the moment the voice of the Father told you to "grow and multiply", all the way to the present, your spiritual development has never ceased, not even for a moment. But how slowly you have travelled!

23. You have multiplied, and by doing so you have fulfilled that divine mission. But soon it became necessary to give you a new commandment, so that fruits worthy of God would spring forth from your hearts, and that is when I said to you: "Love one another." I gave you that phrase during the Second Era, as a summary of all the laws, and even until now I wait for it to produce fruits within your hearts. Now I have come with new lessons and revelations; nevertheless, I preserve that divine commandment which tells you to love one another, as well as the one which tells you to multiply.

24. Yes, children of men, may you grow in virtue and wisdom, multiplying through spiritualization. Love one another, without distinguishing between race, class, beliefs, and worlds.

25. I wish to see the wheat grow in the fields, upon which so many tares have cropped up and evil has heavily multiplied. The day of justice has come, and the flames of war burn and destroy the bad seed, of which not even ashes will remain, for the winds will scatter them. Thereafter, the waters and the snow will cleanse and purify humanity. When the pain will grow to an unbearable degree among men, they will erect altars to Me, burn incense, and claim they love Me. But I will tell them that that is not the way to please My Spirit, and although they believe they love the Lord, in reality, they are more so afraid of His justice and their own death. Men need to understand that the only incense that reaches Me is the one produced by your deeds of love and mercy for one another, inspired by the love of your Father.

26. I ask those who hear this Word to take Me as example, to follow the path of love that I traced for you during the Second Era, so that, when this manifestation ceases, you will know how to gather the multitudes in these houses of prayer and retain them with the truth and cogency of your words and examples. Not only in these places will you share My teaching, but also anywhere else where it is needed. Do not forget what I have told you: "In the desert, on the road, on the sea, and in the valleys; everywhere you will be taken by surprise by the trials, as well as by My inspiration."

27. To fulfill this mission, I want this people that I have brought forth through My teaching to honor My law and offer testimony of its Master with its deeds and examples. May peace reign in your homes, so that there may be no infighting, no quarrels between brothers, nor disharmony between parents and children. When peace begins to reign among you, and your homes cease being a battlefield, you will witness the continual disappearance of wars, for whoever has peace in his heart will take it wherever he goes. Think of your children and realize that you have not yet understood how to inscribe My law within their hearts through your example. They are the new generations, destined to spread the spiritual light among humanity.

28. Great are their spirits, but realize that, during their childhood, they are in need of your support and guidance. Begin to fulfill this mission with these young ones; be understanding and patient. Learn from Me, He who knows how to wait for centuries, millennia, and even eternity for the development and perfection of the spirit. All of you resemble the diamond in its very origin, which must be carefully polished to make it emit beautiful rays. Perhaps, do you consider yourselves unworthy of being compared to this brilliant diamond?

29. Flowers are one of the most beautiful and marvellous creations I have graced this earth with; they bring you joy and inspiration, and they create a pleasing atmosphere with their fragrance. Truly, I say to you, that you are even more perfect and beautiful than all the flowers of this world.

30. If you were to already possess the spiritualization you are meant to attain, you would understand the language of everything created, and I would speak to you by means of this language. Then there would be no reason for your Father to materialize Himself before you, as He did during the Second Era when He bled on the cross. There would also be no reason to give you My Divine Word through the lips of impure men during this time. But it is necessary that you know your Father, and that is why I have never hidden from you, nor have I ever refused to appear among you, despite all of your sins. Men have always created false gods, even when I have revealed Myself to them; so what would happen if I were to hide Myself from you because of My disdain for your sins?

31. O disciples, you who rejoice in listening to Me, and you say: "Master, we lament that there exists not enough freedom to allow us to speak directly to our brethren about Your Word." But I say to you: Do not fear your brothers. What are you ashamed of? Wait; wait for just a little while longer, for humanity will soon overcome the barriers and obstacles it has created with its fanaticism and ignorance. Until now these things have prevented humanity from discovering the truth, which it has only superficially recognized.

32. Partake of the spiritual nourishment I offer you today, and you will feel My peace; do not allow anything to rob you of that peace.

33. I call you "disciples of the Third Era", because you have made a new covenant with My Divinity.

34. I have entrusted new land to you, where the tribes of Israel will multiply; however do not become vain knowing that you are part of My people, for if you thoroughly analyze your mission, you will realize that you have a great responsibility.

35. Once more I have returned to you, and I ask you: Will you again crucify your Lord? Do you believe that the blood I shed during the Second Era was not enough?

36. Behold your spirits during this time, how they are carrying a cross of restitution and have been given vast fields to cultivate. However, may you only sow My seed. The harvest you gather during this time will be the key to open the gates to your salvation.

37. I have come to exchange the burden of your sins for the tender weight of My cross, so that you might rest from the sin that has oppressed you for centuries.

38. May your lips only glorify My name and refrain from uttering slander. The gift of speech I have given you was not meant to stain the honour of your fellow men.

39. Now that you know that I have called you to become My beloved disciples, and you know you will hear My Word, allow the light of your conscience to examine you daily.

40. Beware of doing misunderstood penance; do not deprive your body of what it requires. On the other hand, avoid the things that are harmful to it, even if that requires a sacrifice on your part. This is the type of penance that will benefit your spirit and please the Father.

41. Slowly and steadily you are learning to elevate your thoughts towards the infinite, even without the use of images portrayed on canvas or created by your own minds. Little by little the obstacles that your spirits have always encountered whenever you attempted to pray are beginning to disappear. Now you are on the right track to eventually be able to communicate with your Lord from spirit to Spirit.

42. Do not forget: In order for you to feel true peace and deep satisfaction when you pray, you must first cleanse your hearts before attempting to elevate your thoughts towards My sanctum.

43. Tomorrow, you will behold great multitudes following you. It is necessary that they discover a path illuminated by your good deeds, leading them to the truth.

44. You must offer testimony of the fact that you are the people the Lord has sent on a pilgrimage to earth, to ignite the light of the spirit among humanity. The wisdom emanating from your spirits will be the light of the Sixth Seal, unleashed during this time.

45. If you love Me, you will be able to fulfill the missions I have entrusted to you; if you love Me, you will know how to love your brothers.

46. Some say to Me within themselves: "Lord, if we are gathered here and listening to Your Word, is it not because we love You?" And I say to you: Few are the ones who come here out of love to listen to Me; most who come here are bowed down with pain and suffering.

47. Mind you, I am not criticizing the fact that pain has brought you into My presence, for once that pain has fulfilled its purpose, it will disappear; it has prepared the hearts of those who will one day become My disciples.

48. You cannot say that I have never felt human pain and therefore do not understand you. That is why I became man and suffered, to give you an example in each and every trial and crisis. If I now ask you to shed light and good examples on the paths your children will journey upon, it is because I, in Jesus, have always been the obedient son of the Father. I know and feel your suffering, and just because I have come to you in spirit does not mean I am far from you. Truly, I say to you, that My manifestation during the Third Era is the greatest proof that I love and understand you.

49. In your moments of tranquility, press into the depths of My Word. Understand that I am the peace that descends upon you when the storm arrives. Preserve this peace in spite of all trials, and do not allow it to disappear from your hearts and return to Me.

50. Do not rebel when illness afflicts your homes, for it purifies the spirit. Nevertheless, I do not prevent you from seeking a cure. I only ask that you seek Me as a divine doctor and lovingly accept what I choose to grant you.

51. There are many who may only return to the right path through life's sufferings. Some slandered while experiencing pain, but once they realized that it helped to stop them from continuing upon their path of destruction, they blessed their cup of bitterness. I allow these individuals to sit at My table and savour the lamb that has been transformed into a delicious meal of love and mercy.

52. Truly, I say to you, that if men were to do the same unto those who have been ungrateful to them, what great peace would exist among humanity!

53. Live in peace; this will be the best testimony you can give that you are My disciples. Do not forget that many eyes are observing you, either to confirm or disprove the truth of what you practice.

54. Be My faithful soldiers; never be the cause for your brothers to reject Me. Each time I have given you My teaching through human spokesmen, there has always been at least one individual present who has come to scrutinize My work. During those moments, My words, My entire manifestation, as well as the deeds of My servants have been thoroughly analyzed. Those who have come expecting that the rumor of My presence is false outnumbered those who have come with the burning desire that the good news are true. Who could have told them that, while they take note of and judge everything, My gaze penetrated their hearts, and My voice called them through their conscience? In that very moment, within many who doubted this manifestation, faith ignited, and within others, who had already developed faith, it grew even stronger. This is how the number of My disciples has increased, and they have now formed this multitude. I am asking this people to treasure My peace, for that will be the greatest testimony it can offer of the truth of My manifestation.

55. I want you to understand that this multitude has an elevated destiny, and that all of you have been tasked with fulfilling a delicate mission. You will be a fountain of peace and love where men of other races will come to drink. That time is not far off, but first you must grow weary of fighting so much among yourselves; you must become aware of all the falsehood and lies humanity has come to worship. That is when they will come to Me and realize that Christ, the One who had died on the cross, lives and has arrived in glory and majesty, just as it was when He ascended to heaven during the Second Era.

56. Today, you feel that the circumstances are not quite favourable for speaking of My teaching, but the day approaches when you will speak unceasingly about My Word, because the pain, poverty, anguish, and confusion of men will seek to know and understand everything I have given you.

57. Already I am preparing and teaching you, so that you will know how to preach My teaching with your words and deeds, for humanity has grown tired of hypocrites. Form an obedient family, unite your thoughts, your intentions, and your destinies with a bond of spiritualization; this way you will grow strong and immortal.

58. Great trials await humanity. Be vigilant and pray through each catastrophe and every pain; much of the suffering will be diminished, and some of it will never occur at all, for it will be held back by those who pray.

59. When the supporters of other religions and sects observe that entire multitudes are following this people of Mine, there will be those from these other religions who will arise to persecute you. Do not be afraid, for if you remain composed, the Holy Spirit will place words upon your lips that will silence those who seek to vilify you.

60. I am not giving you a mortal blade with which to defend yourselves; instead, I leave you the sword of love. Every ray of light it emits will be a virtue.

61. How many blessings you will receive from the Father if you are able to triumph over these multitudes persecuting My work with your words and deeds of love, returning them to Me converted!

62. This is the lesson I gave you during the Second Era; a lesson you had already forgotten.

63. The human mind will suffer confusion upon attempting to understand the Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist doctrine, for the materialistic man is unable to comprehend what is spiritual.

64. I have come once again to manifest Myself in this world, to make man understand that I do not dwell in such lofty heights he cannot reach. I teach you the way to elevate your spirits through prayer. If you pray and live a virtuous life, you will be able to feel My presence and bring your spirits ever closer to My divinity. Only the one who lives according to My law truly knows that I am present within man, and that is not a metaphor.

65. You who are listening to Me, do not keep yourselves from learning these spiritual teachings. Do not allow your spiritual understanding and love to become stagnant, nor allow your noble and sensitive hearts to grow indifferent and cold again after having heard My Word. You have already had a taste of the pleasures the world offers; you have already partaken of their sweetness; now come nourish yourselves with the fruit of the tree that I have cultivated. Once you have satisfied your hunger, be careful not to return to the paths you were following before. Know that it is not right for you to drag the gifts My mercy has given you through the mire.

66. Hear My Word which dissipates all darkness and illuminates every spirit, so that, in the future, you may journey along the path of righteousness, being able to recognize that which is forbidden and finding within yourselves enough strength to resist temptation. Whoever has received this teaching cannot call himself ignorant. Disciples, today I still give you these teachings, so listen to Me and understand what I am telling you.

67. Whoever has been a servant in the world will not be surprised when I give him instructions. Whoever has been a master and lord must forget his vanity and become My servant. Then you will come to understand the tender manner in which Jesus instructs His disciples.

68. Subject your free will to your conscience and My law, for then you will not feel enslaved, but truly free.

69. Especially now that the tares have spread throughout the world, I tell you to prepare yourselves to become My workers, so you may sow My seed of peace. May each and every one of those I have chosen during this time ask themselves if, before having heard this Word, they were not purified and prepared by painful experiences, especially in those things that are dearest to them.

70. Attain faith and conviction. Listen to Me without growing tired and taking this manifestation for granted. Be alert, for I do not wish to see you sleeping on the day of My departure. Today, you are witnessing the end of this year and the arrival of a new one, but you continue to receive My Word. However, after the year 1950, you will no longer hear Me in this form. By then I want you to be strong and fully nourished with My teachings.

71. Study My work I have revealed through all My spokesmen, and do not discriminate among them. Remember that I have descended upon all of them and speak the truth through all of them. Do you want the year 1950 to arrive without you having made use of My presence, nor having learned My teachings? Are you waiting for the world, which does not believe in My manifestation as the Holy Spirit, to hurl itself upon you, finding you weak, and casting you out? Do you wish the governments of the earth, upon finding disharmony and confusion among you, to dictate laws that would stop you in your tracks? I say to the present generations that you would weep much if you contributed to the fulfillment of these prophecies! You would experience great hardship and sorrow during your present existence on earth, and you would leave behind many thorns upon the paths of those who will follow in your footsteps! Arise, full of love and hope; I still have much to reveal and entrust to you.

72. If you are undergoing a trial, do not doubt. Be watchful, so that you may see how the Divine Master frees you from all evil during each crisis, and you will feel your spirit developing its abilities and gaining strength. Remember that no one is immune to pain; that those who have loved Me the most and followed Me the closest have felt their hearts bleed the most. Let whoever wishes to follow Me take up his cross. Why have many remained behind upon My path? Because the love they thought they felt was not real and true.

73. Spiritualize yourselves. Avoid the useless and insignificant things. No longer seek the vanities of the world. On top of that, do not seek the spiritual virtues to simply adorn your spirits with them, to gain the admiration of others. Beautify your spirits with the virtues I have taught you in My lessons of love.

74. I await you at the top of the mountain where I will bestow upon you your reward. Do not turn back to look at the tracks of your past. Continue to serenely journey forward, without feeling the thorns you yourselves have sown, and reach the peak of your perfection where My light shines. Once you are finally there, you will bless My law of love.

My Peace be with you!

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