Fulfillment of My Prophecies and Consummation of the Times ❤️ Book of the true Life Teaching 63

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The Book of True Life Teaching 63 of 366

The Master teaches... The Fulfillment of My Prophecies and the Consummation of the Times

Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950

The Lord says:

1. Why is your heart stricken with fear when you hear My Word as Judge? Oh, if only you would always fear, though not of punishment, but rather of the shame of hurting Me and sullying yourselves. How much good you would attain for your spirits!

2. I have told you that you must make yourselves worthy of My presence in this form, that you shall not close the gates of My compassion.

3. I am perfect, and I expect perfection from you, for only in this manner will you reach the summit of the mountain. To that end I give you time, light and strength.

4. On this day that men dedicate to the memory of those who have departed to the great beyond, and which they erroneously call "day of the dead", I allow those beings to contact you, to give you proof that they indeed live. They will tell you that, just as you have received spiritual missions to fulfill on this Earth, so do they carry out difficult tasks in the spiritual valley.

5. Do not weep for these beings, do not burden them with your material concerns, let there be no lack of respect for them. Allow them to communicate with you, receive within your hearts their message and sound advice, and then let them return in peace to the world they live in, from where they watch over you. This grace, the ability to hear them, will soon disappear, and thereafter you will feel their presence within your hearts alone.

6. As I unite you all, not only with those who dwell upon this Earth, but also with those who dwell in other worlds, many nations will not feel My presence, because they are preoccupied with their wars. However, unbeknownst to them they fulfill My Word of the Second Era, in which I announced to you that I would return when these events will unfold among mankind.

7. Get to work, zealously seek to comprehend this Word. What would become of you if you could not hear it anymore, if these spokesmen would fall silent before the time foretold? What teaching would you impart to those who are yet to come if I still have not given you all My revelations?

8. Persevere in your regeneration; watch, pray and learn. Listen to Me as much as you wish, but do not grow accustomed to My presence. Seek Me always as Father and Master, and never challenge My justice.

9. Behold how you have come to realize many miracles by way of this tiny bit of faith alone, including the one you experience at this very moment, hearing the voices of those who were dearest to you in this world.

10. It will not be the graves and tombs opening to let out those who lie within them, lifeless; it shall be the gates of the spiritual world allowing those to pass through who will tell you of their continued existence, full of light and life.

11. Should any of those beings still exhibit human tendencies or a desire for earthly things, have mercy on them and grant them light through your prayers. Remember to assist one another.

12. Thus will you advance along the road leading towards the summit of the mountain, where you will arrive once you have attained purity and perfection within your spirits.

13. Understand that you have Christ as your Master, that My Word given through these human lips has united you, and that this Word is the book of love and wisdom. Each and every time I bring you a new lesson for the rejuvination of your spirits. Today you feel bliss as you listen to Me, and tomorrow you will feel joy as you put My teaching into practice. I have said that the multitudes will come to you in search of this light, and it is necessary that they find it within your words, your deeds and your life.

14. I have prepared the table and invited all of you to My banquet; but I tell you this: Thereafter it shall be you who will prepare the table and receive your brethren, perpetuating this feast of brotherhood and love unto eternity. During this Third Era, your spirit shall fulfill its destiny of teaching your brethren and sharing with them all it has received from My compassion. They shall not be material goods, for those you lack; no, they shall be spiritual goods, with which you will overflow. For your virtue to be believed and your words to possess the power to convince and convert, you must remain upon the righteous path. When you feel that My love has distanced you from the path of evil, having instead placed you upon the path of regeneration, then step along it firmly and do not return to the place from whence you were rescued. Then, as you set out to preach regeneration, amelioration and perseverance in righteousness, you shall easily redeem and move the heart of the sinner. Should you understand how to cleanse your heart and lips during those moments of directing your words towards the hardened heart of your brother, and should you, during those moments, elevate your thoughts to Me with complete faith and trust, then it will be I who speaks through you, touching the most hidden fibers of your brother's heart with My Word, making him feel My presence.

15. Understand that you must transform yourselves in both spirit and body, that many of your customs and traditions, a heritage of your ancestors, must disappear from your life in order to give way to spiritualization.

16. Behold this humanity, rushing towards the abyss, all the while you are still trapped in a profound slumber, within which you seek only your own tranquility, not concerning yourselves with what happens to others. I say to you once again: Do not occupy yourselves with the superfluous, with what is harmful, so you may better dedicate those moments to performing works of compassion, sowing My seed of love within the spirits of your brethren.

17. This is the time My prophets envisioned and announced, this is the time I predicted to you in My Word. Behold how these prophecies of Mine are being fulfilled one after the other. My regal Word never backs away, nor does it contradict itself, nor does it deny itself. Through these human spokesmen I have rendered unto you many prophecies, all of which you now see being fulfilled. I say this to you, because the year 1950 draws near, and thereafter you will no longer hear My Word through the faculty of the human mind.

18. I speak to you with gracious words filled with love, to convince you to prepare yourselves for that great day. Blessed are those who have faith that My Word is immutable, preparing themselves for this time, for they will not be distraught at the fact that this form of My communication will come to an end.

19. Listen to My voice, for you may still refresh yourselves with it for a few more years. It is the song of songs that resounds throughout the heavens, whose echo is heard upon this Earth. When this song ceases to be heard through the lips of My spokesmen, I will have you hear it within the innermost chamber of your heart as you communicate with Me in spirit. Truly, I tell you: Not far off is the time for all these prophecies to be fulfilled. However, I tell you this as well: Man cannot set his own will above Mine in trying to prolong My communication among you. Be vigilant, for many will seek to deceive their brethren. You shall continue to deliver the sinners into My presence, those who have blemished themselves through theft, adultery or any other crime, not to accuse them before the Lord, however, but rather for them to be forgiven, freed from their darkness and blemishes.

20. You shall continue to anoint the sick with love, in My name, with as much or even greater trust and faith than you already have, so I may keep performing miracles among you in the future. That will be the seed I shall receive and store in My granaries.

21. Which one of your works and deeds has been perfect? Your conscience tells you that, up until this very day, you have not done a single one.

22. Keep in mind that only that which is perfect will reach Me. Therefore, your spirit will only enter My kingdom once it has attained perfection. You have emerged from Me without any experience, but you shall return to Me adorned with the garment of your merits and virtues.

23. My people, lift up your countenance and behold heaven. When you feel that I come as Judge, you tremble and bow your head. Understand that the time of My spiritual communication with man has arrived, as it was written.

24. Spokesmen of these My people, the instruments by which I speak to mankind, listen to My Word, which says: You are the fountain, My Word is the crystal clear water. Let it overflow, but preserve its purity.

25. My orders shall descend upon these people, so My truth may be cemented. From among you will emerge the faithful writings that will later be engraved upon the hearts of men of all races. Among you are the disciples who will compile and organize those writings.

26. My heavenly concert will be heard upon this Earth, so the predictions of the prophets and the Word of Jesus will be fulfilled. A long time ago already did Joel speak to you of a time when the sons and daughters of Israel would prophesy, receiving visions and dreams of how My Spirit would be poured upon all flesh. Truly, I tell you: The prophesied time is now.

27. Here you have My Spirit communicating through you, the spiritual world speaking through your mouth. Here you have men and women of all ages, entering the spiritual with their gaze, as well as others who receive announcements and revelations within their dreams.

28. This is the time during which My spiritual hosts approach this world, to raise up those who are to follow Me, and to destroy the chaff and wicked weeds of sin.

29. Seers, contemplate Me! You seek to discover some kind of form, yet you cannot find it. All you can see is the brilliance of My light, for that is what I am: The Light.

30. I leave you to be vigilant in the light of the Sixth Seal. Therefrom emerges the gift of the Word, the concert you hear within your heart, making your spirit tremble, for I am the Lord. Before you is the Lamb, unlocking the Sixth Seal, to show you the way. The Lamb is Christ, and Christ is the way.

31. May each and every one of you respect the positions designated to your fellows, and may you respect yourselves as well.

32. Pray and repent! Should you be hypocrites, be sincere now; should you be imprudent, be sensible now; should you live amidst the dark, then arise to the light; should you lack divine inspirations, hear Me and be filled with light. He who speaks to you is the origin and cause of everything created, and He says to you: Take up Jesus' cross of love, and come to Me!

33. My arrival today has taken you by surprise, because you were not prepared for it, and that is the reason some of you doubt. When you elevate a question towards the infinite, inquiring if this manifestation is indeed the truth, then you will instantly receive a wise and affectionate answer in the middle of My sermon, kindling a flame of light within your heart.

34. He who possesses faith never experiences weariness or tedium as he listens to Me. Every time I manifest Myself he crosses valleys and climbs mountains to hear My Word.

35. He who has come to understand the nature of the water that quenches his thirst, and the bread that stills his hunger, will not exchange these things for anything, nor will anything prevent him from finding them. He who delights in listening to the Divine Master and experiences joy as he delves into eternity for but a short time, does not lament leaving behind the pleasures of the world during those moments.

36. Disciples: There have been times when My Word, brimming with just reproaches, may have appeared bitter to you, though stemming from the fact that you did not understand it. Truly, I tell you: I have not come to increase the bitterness that you suffer here on Earth.

37. My divine teaching has dissuaded you from the uncertain paths, from the false pleasures and from vices. Instead of these things, it has introduced you to joy, delighting in doing good.

38. I shall not leave you without an inheritance once My Word ceases to be heard through these intermediaries, for I wish to preserve you, that you might testify to the truth of My doctrine of love before the new generations, and that you may become counselors to your brothers.

39. Not everyone will come to know the Word I have given you through the faculty of the human mind during this era, for it is not yet time for them to awaken. They shall be called, but not chosen. Tomorrow, however, when they are ready to follow Me, they shall once again be called, and then they will surely belong to the chosen ones.

40. Like a resounding bell do the elements of nature now awaken mankind, still sleeping, calling them to pray and come to their senses. Those who do not understand this voice are biased towards falsehood, or are deaf to the spiritual messages. Nowadays they merely attribute these manifestations to simple, natural phenomena, but the time will come when the ministers of religions, as well as the men of science and power, will ask themselves in fear: Could it truly be the justice of the Lord knocking at our doors? Could it be the time of His presence among us?

41. I tell you: The obstinancy of man is great indeed! Still he resists the pain and opposes My justice being visited upon him. Once he humbles himself and bows his head, however, the entire human race will be gathered into one and the same fold.

42. I say to all of you: Why are you waiting to share the good news? Do you wish to preach upon rubble and ruins? I tell and reveal to you everything, so you might always have a wise answer for every question your brothers have for you. Keep in mind that you will be confronted and even assaulted with grave and severe arguments, and all those who are not prepared will be stricken with fear.

43. Commit My Word to memory and forget not the great miracles I have granted you, so that each and every one of you may be a living testimony of My truth. Whoever scrutinizes you and rummages through My Word will find that it does not contradict anything of what I said and prophesied during times past. The struggle will be great indeed, so much so that some who were previously My disciples will be stricken with fear, denying Me and saying that they had never heard Me. Those who remained faithful to My commandments and will face the struggle, them I shall cover with a mantle with which they will defend themselves, emerging unharmed from beneath it, no matter how dire the situation. He who fails to sow this seed properly and profanes the purity of this Work, upon him shall be visited judgment, the persecution of men and restlessness. One and all shall come to know the tree they have cultivated by the taste of its fruit.

44. I have reserved great miracles for the time of the spiritual struggle of My people; miracles and works that will amaze the learned and scientists. Never will I leave you to your own strengths and devices. Be not unsettled by mankind's ridicule of you, for remember, during the Second Era, the multitudes mocked your Master as well.

45. While many still await My arrival, My departure is already close at hand, but truly, I tell you: The Holy Spirit will forevermore illuminate every mind and every spirit, for already you live during the consummation of the times.

46. From each and every one of you I receive a present: The children offer Me their innocence, the maidens the fragrance of their purity, the mothers their tears, the fathers their cross, the elderly their weariness. However, My love invigorates your faith, and I tend to this lamp, so its flame may never go out.

47. During this time I did not descend unto this Earth as a man, to be seen by the mortal eyes of your body. That time has already passed. This is the time when you must earn merits for your salvation. Seek Me within the invisible, and you will soon find Me. Seek Me as the Father, as the Master, and thus you will have Me. Do not seek Me as a servant, though truly, I tell you, I have always served you. My services require no payment, but should you nonetheless wish to compensate Me in some way, I merely tell you to love one another, for if you do it thus, then My Work shall be crowned.

48. Be not surprised that, despite being the Lord of everything created, I appear among you, asking for love. I am the God of gentleness and humility. I do not boast with My greatness, instead I conceal My perfection and splendor, to draw closer to your hearts. If you were to behold Me in all My glory and splendor, how much you would weep for your transgressions!

49. Behold, here is the path, travel along it, and you will be saved. Truly, I tell you: It is not necessary to have heard Me during this time to attain salvation. Everyone who practices My divine law of love during their lives, transforming the love inspired by the Creator into a love towards their fellow man, those will be saved. They give testimony of Me in their lives and with their deeds.

50. You hear the Holy Spirit, but not a single spirit that differs from the one who has spoken to you as Christ or Jehovah. He is one and the same, the only One to exist, He who has manifested Himself throughout all three eras in a different manner.

51. During the First Era, on Mount Sinai, your God manifested Himself, displaying certain aspects of His being, namely His justice and law. During the Second Era, the very same God spoke to you through Christ, revealing to you an aspect of His being you had not yet understood: His love. And during this Third Era, My Holy Spirit speaks to you from eternity; From the spiritual He communicates with your spirit, and thus He exhibits another aspect of His being: His wisdom, light for all mankind. Why seek mysteries where there are none? The mystery of the Trinity is clarified.

52. What inspired Me to create you? It was My love, for even before I created you, I already loved you within My being. The Father loved those who were to be His children, though He wished to be loved by them as well. For My children I fashioned nature, the elements, and all the worlds and homesteads, so you would be able to partake of the material existence, and thus begin a journey of perfection and elevation. I endowed the spirits with a physical body, through which they would express their sentiments and abilities, guided by their conscience.

53. Thus created and endowed, I granted man free will; within him I placed My law and justice, situating him at the very beginning of the path of development.

54. Without this law within, man would have never recognized, let alone understood or loved Me. However, the conscience, the beacon that illuminates the path, the voice that advises righteousness, has allowed you to comprehend the revelations of the Father; and now you have arrived in the present, during which the incarnated spirit shall manifest itself freely, asserting dominance over the superfluous and material.

55. Why did I have to descend to you on three separate occasions? Because you have stumbled and fallen along the difficult journey of your lives, and I had to come to your aid, raising you up from the dust of the Earth, for, despite being fully aware, you strayed from the path. And when you bring ruin upon yourselves and weep, you tell Me this: "Father, why do you punish Me thus?" Why do you say that I am the one who punishes you? Remember, even as you blaspheme, the life surrounding you continues granting you its benedictions. Learn to live, and you will not falter, this is what My law teaches you. Expect not peace or a true life from the doctrines of men.

56. My judgment will be visited upon all, and when the time for it has come, I will ask the ministers and servants of My law and the men who form doctrines this: "What is your harvest?" And one and all will present to Me merely vanity, hatred, and their lack of love towards their fellow men.

57. Before anyone else, I will judge the ministers of My law, for this is My testament of love and wisdom for all My children, and therefrom is derived the salvation of men. Woe to those who conceal these teachings within their minds, for these will be caverns of darkness, or within their hearts, for those will merely be lairs of egotism!

58. Be prepared, and understand Me! He who carries the light of the Holy Spirit within himself will brim with light, pouring it out over all who are in spiritual need.

59. If someone feels that My Word hurts him, then that is because it is like a sword. The wounds it carves, however, are of love. Tomorrow you will come to understand that My Word is always just.

60. I shall call the fathers of families and ask them: "O fathers of men, what have you done with your children?" I shall judge the teachers of humanity, among whom are the philosophers, theologians and scientists, and I will ask them this as well: "What is the seed you have planted in the hearts and minds of your very own brethren?" I will ask them what service they provide with the gifts I entrusted to them.

61. The rulers of the peoples, nations and kingdoms will enter My presence, and I will ask them along which path they have guided the destinies of men, and what they have done with their peoples. I will ask them to give an account of the bread of their brethren, of their works and wages, and should they merely present to Me the greed and vanity within their hearts, as well as the riches of their hands, all the while their peoples die of misery and hunger, oh, how great their responsibility will be!

62. The doctors too shall be called. Them I will ask what they have done with the secret of health I revealed to them, and the balsam I entrusted to them. I will ask if they have truly felt the suffering of others, if they have learned to bown down to even the most humble bed, to heal with love the one who suffers. What will be the response of those who attained greatness, comfort and luxury through the suffering of their fellow men, a pain they were not always able to relieve? All of them will question themselves within their hearts, and in the light of their conscience they will have to answer to Me.

63. I have revealed to you that you are part of the spiritual Israel, but do not think that I love you more than other peoples because of this. Why should I love you more than others if all of you are My children?

64. Truly, I tell you: If all men had persevered in the law their conscience had reminded them of within themselves, then it would not have been necessary to send you guides or prophets, nor would your Lord have had to descend to you, even to engrave My law upon stone during the First Era, or even to become human and die as a man upon a cross during the Second Era.

65. I did not form a people lavished with gifts of grace for them to exalt themselves and humiliate others, but rather for them to be an example of acquiescence to the true God, a paragon of brotherhood among men.

66. I chose these people so they would be an instrument of My will on this Earth, deliverers of My revelations, so they would invite one and all to live within My law, and that all of humanity would one day become a single people, one nation under the Lord.

67. These people have suffered much, despite being the chosen ones, and that is because they believed the heritage was meant only for themselves, that their God could not have been a God for the pagans as well, because they regarded other peoples as strangers, refusing to share with them what the Father had entrusted to them. I merely separated them from other peoples for a time because I did not want them to be contaminated by wickedness and materialism. However, when they cut themselves off in their egotism, believing themselves to be great and strong, I demonstrated to them that their power and greatness was false, and I permitted other nations to descend upon them, reducing them to servitude. Kings, Pharaohs and Caesars were their lords, even when I offered to be their Lord. The Father, in His infinite love, once again manifested Himself to His people, to return to them their freedom, reminding them of their mission. During this time I have come to deliver to them My teachings of love, but My gaze alone may discover among mankind the sons of Israel whom I am calling and congregating, so they may receive the light of the Holy Spirit.

68. I have revealed Myself to your spirit, because the time when I spoke to you through nature and material manifestations, that which you called miracles, is long gone. Today you may feel Me within your very spirit, as well as within the innermost depths of your heart.

69. During this Era it was not Palestine that bore witness to My manifestation, for it is not a specific place I am looking for, but rather your very spirit. I search for the spiritual people of Israel, not the material or those related by blood, but a people who possess the spiritual seed they had received from My compassion throughout the eras.

70. Prepare yourselves, My people, make good use of this time, for it is light. The year 1950 draws near, and I do not want you to feel like orphans once My Word has ceased to be heard. Truly, I tell you: Those who prepare themselves shall feel Me close. They will receive great inspirations, they will heal the sick by prayer alone, and they will surprise the people with the gift of the Lord's Word.

71. You shall keep up these reunions, for during them I will grant you great inspirations. The gift of the spiritual vision will blossom, and through your lips I shall speak to the wise and scientists. This prophecy shall be written down by those who have received the mission of recording My Word.

72. Men and women, you who listen to this Word: Do you believe that I will return to be among you? Do you believe in My manifestation through the faculty of the human mind? Some respond with an ardent faith: "Yes Master, I believe in Your presence!" While others respond with silence, which says: "Who knows?"

73. The Master tells you: Scrutinize not only Me, delve into the depths of your heart and examine what has emerged from it. Should words of love and truth have sprung therefrom, then you may be satisfied. Should comfort for others be offered, you may say that crystal clear waters have burst forth from your fountain. If you were to dwell upon an elevated level of perfection already, then My manifestation among you would have no reason to be; but if your conscience accuses you of harboring many an imperfection, why then do you ask for what purpose I have come to you? You must know that I have come seeking your spirit, whose destiny it is to perfect itself along the path traced by My Fatherly love, so it might attain purification and achieve the joy and bliss every being strives for deep down. I have come to teach your spirit the manner in which it may earn merits and thereby achieve this goal.

74. Truly, I tell you: The spirits of the just dwelling close to God, gained the right to take that place by their own deeds, not because I granted this privilege to them. I merely pointed them in the right direction, and at the end of the path, I revealed to them the great reward.

75. Blessed be those who say to Me: "Father, you are the way, the light that illuminates it, and the strength for the traveler, You are the voice that guides and encourages us along the journey, and You are even the reward that awaits us at the end." Yes, My children, I am the life and the resurrection of the dead.

76. It suffices for you to know, as I have told you in My Word, that the reincarnation of the spirit is truth, and already a light is kindled within your heart, and you admire My loving justice even more. Compare the many theories and diverse interpretations the denominations have given these teachings, and choose the one that contains the greatest amount of righteousness and reason. But truly, I tell you: This is one of the revelations that will stir the spirit of man the most during this time; an awakening realization of this great truth.

77. If men wish to judge Me for telling the world the truth, then they are free to do so. I shall allow them to judge Me, but should they seek to take hold of and apprehend Me, they cannot, for I am in Spirit, and thus I am intangible, invisible.

78. You have arisen to the true life through the miracle of this Word. No longer do you live with indifference, and no more do you sin, unlike those who have not heard Me, for then you would descend unto the level of the spiritually dead. Only I can and must speak to you this way.

79. During the Second Era I announced My new manifestation to My apostles, and when they asked Me what signs would proclaim that time, I announced to them one after the other, as well as the evidence I would give them. Every last one of the signs has appeared, they announced that this is the time prophesied by Jesus, and now I ask you: If this manifestation I have you partake of was not the truth, then why has Christ not appeared as the faithful had expected, despite all the signs? Do you, perhaps, also believe that the tempter possesses power over all of creation and the elements, to deceive you?

80. I once warned you, so you would not succumb to the temptation of false prophets, false Christs and false redeemers. Today, however, I tell you that the incarnated spirit, due to its development, light and experience, has awakened to such a degree that it is not as simple a task anymore to try and sell it darkness as light, no matter how much deception the darkness might employ. That is why I have told you: Before you surrender yourselves to this path with blind faith, scrutinize however you wish. Understand that this Word has been given to all, and never have I reserved any part of it to one specific group of people. Know that throughout this Work there are no books within which I would seek to conceal any teaching from you. However, during the Second Era I told you this as well through the lips of My apostle John: "Should anyone hear My voice and open the door, then I shall come to dwell within him, dining with him, and he with Me." Additionally, I taught you the parable of the virgins, so you would keep it in mind during this time.

81. Elijah, who would come first to prepare the way for the Lord, manifested himself for the first time through a human spokesman in the year 1866. Will you not dedicate a little time to investigating the signs and events that took place and coincided with the period of that manifestation? Again it will be the men of science who will study the stars, those who, in ancient times, were called the wise men, those who will testify that the heavens have given signs, divine calls.

82. To those of you who have been granted the privilege of listening to Me, I say this: I knocked on your door, and you opened it. I have dined with you, and you with Me. You beheld the brilliance of the flash of lightning and the thunder of the jet of fire, and here I am.

83. Behold the Sixth Seal, unlocked and opened before your very eyes. Who unlocked it? Who unlocked the five previous ones? It was not Moses, nor Elijah or any patriarch. It was I, the Messiah, the Living Word, the Sacrificed Lamb, for this book of wisdom is the way and the life, and I have told you that I am the way, the truth and the life.

84. I sent Elijah so he would announce to the world that the Sixth Seal would soon be unlocked; bathed in the light of the Holy Spirit, he descended unto men, as the forerunner of My return during the Third Era. You already know how Elijah made himself known, how the Master manifested Himself, how much He has delivered and taught you. I only tell you now to preserve this doctrine in its purity, that you move towards regeneration and spiritualization, so that My arrival in Spirit may be believed and My Word heard with respect and love.

85. Speak always the truth, and you shall be recognized as disciples of the Holy Spirit, for not even the brilliant snowflakes have the purity that My Word possesses. The reflection of the sun upon the snow of the mountains hurts your eyes, but the divine light neither hurts nor blinds the spirit.

86. Listen to Me, I am Christ, the living Word of the Father. I am not coming to destroy anything of what has been revealed since the first eras. My law is the same, it is the law of love. The forms thereof may change, but not its essence. That is why I have told you that, just because you hear My Word through the faculty of human beings, does not mean you should doubt it.

87. Behold, once again the path is laid bare before your very eyes. Begin to elevate your spirit, tell yourselves with intimate satisfaction that you are My disciples. Who are the disciples of the Divine Master? Those who love their fellow men, those who practice My doctrine of forgiveness, compassion and selflessness.

88. During your life you are little children, all of you, and all dwell beneath the mantle of My providence.

89. He who speaks to Me thus in prayer: "Father, may Your will be done", and, should a trial take him by surprise, he exclaims: "Father, why do you test me in this manner?" Then he is not yet a disciple, but barely a beginner, for he has not understood the lesson. Should you aspire to be My disciples, contemplate the life of Jesus, your Master on this Earth. Understand His obedience and submission to the Father since His childhood. He came to this world to do the will of His Father, and He experienced humiliation, slander, ingratitude, contempt, pain and sacrifice, and still He did not forsake the path traced for Him by the Eternal One.

90. How will you respond in regards to your journey on this Earth once you enter the presence of the Lord? You are aware of the fact that each and every one must answer for himself, and now you know that a certain number of spirits depend on each one of you, for you are responsible for them. Behold, therein lies the purpose of your example throughout your lifetime, so that, tomorrow, you will gather a sweet and enjoyable fruit, and not bitterness. Do not forget that from those beings I entrusted to you will emerge the new generations, whose mission it will be to make Spiritualism flourish on this Earth. Those blessed generations are a divine promise to mankind. It is your duty to prepare for them the path and their dwelling place, welcoming them in an environment of spirituality and love.

91. Will you recognize them when they arrive? Must you not be awake to do so? Will the world know this is happening? Before that you must raise the alarm, so that all will remove the thorns they have left along the path, as well as all the impurities, so their children will not be harmed or sullied once they arrive here on Earth.

92. My people, I demand unity from you, so that My divine seed will germinate within your bosom. I do not wish for you to appear before Me in tears, weeping for the transgressions you committed against My law, or lamenting for the time lost. Nothing will remedy your tears during those moments.

93. I have spoken to you during this time as if you were pure and immaculate beings, to convert you through My love.

My Peace be with you!

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