What are Memetic Entities? | Thoughtforms | MindPoppers

2 years ago

A Thought Form, also known as a “Memetic Entity” is a concept used in esoteric circles to personify the effect of thoughts and behavior in the human mind.

One could imagine a thoughtform as a field of energy with a cloud like structure that completely envelops one’s conscious awareness and influences our perception of reality which consequently informs our behavior.

When under the influence, a thoughtform vibrates at a certain frequency that attracts other thoughtforms that resonates with it, and increases the distortion of reality around you to continue to feed it with your awareness.

In order to declutter the mind, a breathwork technique called “Clearing the cache” can help you empty the mind and reach a point of stillness and mental clarity .Allowing you to engage with reality unburdened by these thoughtforms.

A Mantra can be constructed to help with the process of releasing thoughts as they come into your conscious awareness.

If you want to know how, check the link below!

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