MZTV 1114: The Stubborn Refusal to Recognize "Whitewashed Tombs"

2 years ago

Jesus spoke of "whitewashed sepulchers" (Matthew 23:27) and Paul of "feigned believers" (1 Corinthians 15:2). Yet today, some even in the body of Christ fail to acknowledge this phenomenon, instead counting anyone who says they believe the truth as actually believing it. These "face-valuer, non-curious accepters" have no stomach to open any tomb doors. They simply walk by and, with a careless wave of the hand say, "Isn't that a pretty wall!"

Oh, the naiveté. The willful blindness. The lack of curiosity. The laziness. The happy tolerance of lies. And, really, the shocking disregard for truth.

Certainly we are called upon by God to be more discerning than this. In accepting professed faith at face value, not only do we devalue truth and discount Satanic deception, but we allow lawlessness disguised as righteousness into our midst. We let the Trojan horse of false teaching into the camp, then fall asleep while the enemies of God slaughter our loved ones.

This lazy acceptance of professed faith spreads like gangrene until many who ought never to tolerate lies give up caring (do they even still know it?) that Satan now disguises himself as a messenger of light. Where Paul tells us to shun those who have a form of devoutness yet deny the power (2 Timothy 3:5-7), the drowsy tomb-admirers, asleep at the wheel of discernment, instead accept the power-deniers (feigned believers) into their assembly, no questions asked.

Would Paul countenance any of this? No. Never.

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