☝#AntiGravity Part 6: Objects in Rotation Defy ‘Mainstream’ Physics + MES Duality Concept

2 years ago

In #AntiGravity Part 6, I present the many findings and discoveries made during this past year and a half regarding gyroscopes and all things rotation in general. The discoveries made are on the face of them so simple yet shatter the most overly complicated notions of conventional mainstream physics and science in general. The simple act of rotation defies the very bedrock underneath all of conventional (public) physics. The concept of ‘inertia’ and how it is defined underlies both conventional Newtonian mechanics and Einsteinian Relativity. But the simple act of rotation allows objects to have the magical ability to ‘inertially’ lift upwards, forwards, and even downwards, all without losing additional spin speed and while generating incredible torque over unity yet also behaving ‘massless’. Objects in rotation prove ‘spin angular momentum’, ‘precessional angular momentum’, ‘mass’, ‘inertia’, and hence ‘gravity’ as separate entities are merely illusions; puppets in a puppet show where the puppet master always lay underneath: the Aether.

Understanding the true nature of such simple motions as ‘rotation’, which is nothing more than curved linear motion, requires exploring and firmly grasping the true nature of reality itself. From inertia and magnetism to even psychology, technology, and consciousness itself. This video and document, which I am self-appointing as my ‘Doctorate in Philosophy’ or PhD is the precedent for true scientific exploration and the start of an investigation into the true nature of reality, but which has been covered up both by those that rule this world and those that choose to be ruled. Hope you enjoy this epic journey!

The topics covered as well as their timestamps are listed below.

1. Important Links and Notes: 1:34
2. Introduction: 5:45
3. Table of Contents: 8:37
4. #MESExperiments Science Experiments Video Series: 55:56
5. General Notes on Scientific Exploration: 58:08
6. Clearing Eric Laithwaite’s Name: 1:06:01
7. Eric Laithwaite’s Unconventional Interpretation of Newtonian Mechanics: 2:25:11
8. Cambridge University’s Bogus Fake Science and Coverup of Gyro Magic: 3:06:30
9. TOP SECRET: The Movie Inception and Spinning Tops: 4:04:00
10. Overview of Conventional Physics Regarding Spinning Tops, Gyroscopes, and Objects in Rotation: 4:07:06
11. Overview of Newton’s Laws and Einstein’s Relativity: 4:52:03
12. Owen Liang’s Gyro Space Top Proves Spin Angular Momentum is an Illusion: 5:28:39
13. INCEPTION IS REAL: Are We Living in a Dream?: 7:06:33
14. Exploring Owen Liang’s Many Unnecessary Accounts: 7:07:36
15. Owen Liang’s Battle with Wikipedia: 9:00:10
16. Francis McCabe and Gyro 1000X+ Torque Over Unity!: 9:19:47
17. Inertial Propulsion and Inertial Lift are Facts of Life: 10:39:17
18. Tippy Tops and Phi Tops Demonstrate Rising with Spin Axis Change: 11:32:58
19. The Amazing and Underappreciated Gyrocompass: 12:33:49
20. The Concept of Inertia and Coherency: 13:30:05
21. Overview of Mainstream Clueless Science Regarding Gyroscopes and Objects in Rotation: 13:42:56
25. Exploring the True Nature of Gravity, Mass, Magnetism, Electricity, Light, and Reality: 18:17:09
26. David LaPoint’s Primer Fields, the Ferrocell, and Ken Wheeler’s Magnetism: 18:27:22
28. True Magnetism and the Interconnectedness of All Things: 21:45:15

Stay tuned for #AntiGravity Part 7!

Video notes:

- Word: https://1drv.ms/w/s!As32ynv0LoaIh75UFj1Vekcq1656wA
- PDF: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIh-xTV42m_NX2ZDQYIw
- HIVE: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/antigravity-part-6-video-1-objects-in-rotation-defy-mainstream-physics-mes-duality-concept
- Backup HIVE link: https://ecency.com/antigravity/@mes/antigravity-part-6-video-1-objects-in-rotation-defy-mainstream-physics-mes-duality-concept

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