Infinite Sequences: Limits, Squeeze Theorem, Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Ratio + MORE

2 years ago

In this video, I go over an extremely extensive tutorial on Sequences as part of my new video series on Sequences and Series. Sequences are ordered lists of numbers where each term is categorized by its value and the integer corresponding to its place or order in the list. Series are summations of sequences; which I have shown in my earlier videos in finding areas and hence integrals of functions.

The topics I cover in this video include: Sequences and Notation, Definition and Precise Definition, Infinite Limits, Monotonic and Bounded Sequences, as well as the famous Fibonacci Sequence and its relationship with the also very famous Golden Ratio. And at the end of this video I go over a brief mainstream history overview of Leonardo Fibonacci. The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence in which the initial 2 terms are 1 and 1 (or 0 and 1 in modern computing) and then the terms that follow are just the summation of the previous two terms. The limit of the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci terms approach the Golden Ratio (φ) (which is the ratio of any two numbers such that it is the same as the ratio of their summation to the larger number). Fibonacci and Golden numbers/sequences/ratios/spirals/angles/etc. appear very often in all aspect of life from art, nature, design, finance, and even advertising! #AmazingStuff

Here is a list of the topics covered and their start times in the video:

- @ 0:00 - Intro
1. @ 55:54 - Introduction to Sequences and Series
2. @ 9:25 – Sequences and Notation
3. @ 11:06 - Examples 1 to 3
3. @ 27:30 – Limit of a Sequence
4. @ 33:59 – Definition 1: Limit of a Sequence
5. @ 37:38 – Definition 2: Precise Definition of a Sequence
6. @ 47:33 – Theorem 1
7. @ 52:26 – Definition 3: Infinite Limits of Sequences at Infinity
8. @ 58:17 – Limit Laws for Sequences
9. @ 1:01:39 – Squeeze Theorem for Sequences
10. @ 1:08:10 – Theorem 2
11. @ 1:08:51 - Examples 4 to 7
12. @ 1:18:51 – Theorem 3
13. @ 1:19:48 – Examples 8 to 9
14. @ 1:26:46 – Creating Graphs of Sequences
15. @ 1:29:33 – Example 10
16. @ 1:41:46 – Definition 4: Monotonic Sequences
17. @ 1:43:42 – Examples 11 and 12
18. @ 1:54:08 – Definition 5: Bounded Sequences
19. @ 1:59:31 – Completeness Axiom
20. @ 2:03:43 - Monotonic Sequence Theorem
21. @ 2:09:27 – Example 13: Recursion and Mathematical Induction
22. @ 2:22:27 – Exercise 1: Convergence
23. @ 2:33:20 - Exercise 2: Proof of Theorem 2
24. @ 2:39:41 - Exercise 3: Proof of Theorem 3
25. @ 2:48:23 - Exercise 4: Fibonacci Sequence
26. @ 3:04:17 – Mainstream History of Fibonacci
27. @ 3:12:04 – Overview of Fibonacci Numbers
28. @ 3:17:33 – Overview of the Golden Ratio
29. @ 3:21:53 – Relationship Between Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio
30. @ 3:27:06 – Golden Angle/Spiral and Approximations with Fibonacci Spiral
31. @ 3:31:30 – Fibonacci Numbers and Golden Ratio in Nature, Art, Design, & MORE! #Amazing

Stay tuned for my next super long math video!

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