ELTV: They found Hope & Purpose While Serving Time in Prison. Now They help Prisoners find Freedom!

2 years ago

On this newest episode of ELTV, our guests, Michael Buhrman, a former Inmate who had a 40 year sentence and Pastor Eric Dorsey, who served 1 year, both came on our program to share their stories of why they served time, what happened to them while in prison, and what their purpose and passion is now!

Hear their powerful stories of transformation.

About Community Freedom:
Community Freedom equips the local church to transition returning citizens from confinement to freedom through the planting of church locations in prisons.

Pastor Eric Dorsey, Program Director of Community Freedom Ministry

Website: https://communitychristian.org/commun...


2.2 million Americans are confined in prisons
700,000 Americans are released from prisons every year
67% will re-offend within 3 years of release
Children with an incarcerated family member are 70% more likely to be involved in the criminal justice system
Nearly 3 million children in the U.S. have an incarcerated parent (1 in 28)
Incarceration is costing the U.S. economy $6 billion dollars/yr

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