Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gets Christmas Message from the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party Below

1 year ago

Prime Minister of NZ,


We appreciate that you voted YES in the Cannabis Referendum 2020, and we take this to mean that you do not agree with the current system. Therefore, we ask you the question:
Why are you not speaking out about one of the greatest social catastrophes of our time?
There have been many recent discussions on the subject with programmes on TV1 Guyon Espiner “Wasted” and TV3 “Patrick Gower on All Drugs”. All the interviews and discussions come to the same general conclusions that prohibition of cannabis and other drugs does not work. Even the police are conceding there should be a better way to handle cannabis and other drug use in our communities. That punishment is more damaging on an individual’s life, than taking drugs itself.
You yourself stated that it is a health issue, not a criminal matter. (Law Commission Report 2011)
Why are we continuing to languish in the grip of outdated, expensive, racist, and failed prohibition laws? Our people are still suffering from the ongoing blight of a criminal conviction, which is a well-established fact, closes many doors to a fulfilling and successful life. The US President Biden told the world in his statement to: Pardon cannabis offences, that, “No one should be in jail for just using or possessing marijuana”. He said, “There are thousands of people who have past federal convictions for marijuana possession who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result.” We say the same principles apply to our people here in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In the United States it has also been identified as a racist law and the statistics of arrest confirm the same here in Aotearoa/New Zealand where Māori are arrested at four time the rate of non -Māori. Biden confirms “… penalties have disproportionally affected black and other people of colour”.
We all know that worn out statement “enough is enough” even for the 500,000 cannabis consumers here, who deserve a better life, free from persecution, prosecution resulting in the continuing damage, a cannabis conviction will give a person, the rest of their lives. It is like a continuing punishment that never ends, resulting in intergenerational damage of disfunction in society. (Youth ram raids) Prohibition has created the Black Market, leaving the distribution in the hands of gangs – just as alcohol was controlled by the gangs when it was prohibited creating unsafe situations.
Do people who use cannabis deserve to live like criminals for the act of consuming cannabis? Your answer Prime Minister is obviously NO they do not deserve this treatment, that is why you voted YES in the cannabis referendum. Please follow our wonderful former P.M Helen Clark and finish the job.
That Aotearoa/New Zealand follow the lead of US President Biden and grant a PARDON to all people with cannabis and other minor drug convictions.
That we look at revamping the 1975 Misuse of Drugs Act to be fit for purpose. Focusing on health and not penalising the individual.
We note there has been some vague directives from parliament about ‘that it must be in the public interest’, to arrest someone for drugs, but we also note that it is up to police discretion, which has shown to be inconsistent. The numbers show arrests for cannabis and other drugs is continuing.
How can Cannabis Law reform be less important than the Homosexual, Prostitutes and Gay Marriage Law Reforms? Where people were not convicted by the thousands and a referendum was not required to progress these much-needed social law reforms.
We need a new way forward in the New Year 2023. Why should cannabis consumers and other drug users be treated with less respect than these other groups? Pardoning our citizens for cannabis offences will signal the end of the failed Drug War. The Referendum result should only be a guide, not a block in the highway to cannabis law reform. To continue wasting billions on this futile and discriminatory policy is continuing backward steps when it should be better spent on public housing the most basic human right.
How about coinciding the PARDONS with the New Years Honours List?
What a mind-blowing way to start 2023. To instantly decriminalise thousands of New Zealanders who have their lives blighted with a criminal conviction and live in fear under the Damocles Sword of cannabis prohibition. At least we should decriminalise cannabis and other drug use. It is a very badly needed social remedy at this time. There are intergenerational tears in the fabric of our society that need healing and decriminalising thousands of New Zealanders, many who are disproportionally Māori, will help achieve this goal.
We recommend you consult with Helen Clark a shining light in the darkness of prohibition.
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party Co-Leaders

Authorised by Peter Wakeman
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
27 Tuawera Terrace, Clifton Hill, 8081

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