🔬#MESExperiments 28: Magnetic Spinning Top Aligns Opposite of Magnetic Attraction

2 years ago

In #MESExperiments 28 I demonstrate the amazing ability of the GyroTop magnetic spinning top to always balance opposite the magnetic attractive force even when turning the apparatus upside down. The GyroTop, also called Space Top, is the invention of an obscure person named Owen Liang, and whom created it to test his hypothesis that spinning tops want to align themselves opposite of gravity rather than simply "maintaining angular momentum".

The first part of the video involves just a regular spinning top with the ring magnet removed, and is used as a comparison. The spinning top keeps upright opposite the force of gravity even when the apparatus is tilted. This demonstration is often used to illustrate "angular momentum".

In the second part of the video, I attach the ring magnet and repeat the same procedure of spinning it up with a drill. Note the GyroTop has a tube to manually blow air into to spin it up, but I used my drill instead. As I rotate the apparatus the GyroTop always moves to align against the magnetic attraction. This is counterintuitive since the angular momentum should keep the top stationary until the magnetic attractive force is strong enough to grab hold of the top. This GyroTop opens up lots of possibilities!

Further information, screenshots, and relevant links are included on the Hive blockchain: https://peakd.com/hive-128780/@mes/mesexperiments-28-magnetic-spinning-top-aligns-opposite-of-magnetic-attraction

The timestamps of the regular vs magnetic spinning tops are shown below:

- Regular Spinning Top: 0:00
- Magnetic Spinning Top: 0:59

Stay tuned for #MESExperiments 29...

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