Be Part of the Greatest Story #LightTheWorld

2 years ago

Although the Savior was born over 2,000 years ago, the story of the Nativity still applies to us today. This year, #LightTheWorld with love by serving others as He did and become part of the greatest story ever told.

25 Days of Kindness
From December 1 to Christmas Day, pay attention to the ways the people around you have shared their light with you and others. Each day, highlight their small acts of kindness on social media. Hopefully the examples you share can inspire many more to reach out with love like Jesus did. Make sure to use the following hashtag in your posts:


#bookofmormon #jesuschrist #jesus #jesussaves #thechurchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #churchofjesuschrist #latterdaysaints #lds #ldschurch

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