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Love One Another! This Commandment will become a Judge for many ❤️ Book of the true Life Teaching 35 / 366
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The Book of the true Life Teaching 35 of 366
The Master teaches... Love One Another... This Commandment will become a Judge for many
Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950
The Lord says:
1. Blessed are those who, with humility and faith, ask me for their spirits to progress, for they will receive that which they request of their Father.
2. Blessed are those who know how to wait, for My merciful help will come to their aid at the right moment.
3. Learn how to ask and also how to wait, knowing that nothing escapes My loving will. Trust that My will shall be manifested in each and every one of your needs and trials.
4. The child has the right to ask his Father for that which is within His law of justice and love. And the Father, in turn, has the duty of taking care of His child.
5. I say to you, that those who obey My will on earth will enjoy My love when they are in the spirit.
6. When the weight of your cross becomes too heavy, pray to your Helper and I will instantly come to your aid.
7. During your moments of trial, pray with a brief, but pure and sincere prayer. Then you will feel comforted. And when you succeed in being in harmony with your Lord, I will be able to tell you that My will is yours, and your will is Mine.
8. Do not pray only when you find yourselves going through some painful ordeal. Pray when you are at peace as well, because then your heart and your thoughts will be able to occupy themselves with others. Do not pray only for those who have helped you, or those who have not caused you any harm, for even though that is indeed virtuous, it is not as meritorious as helping those who have previously harmed you.
9. Consider that I, your Master, have been the Savior and Helper to the same people who shouted the following words to Pilate: "Crucify him! Crucify him!" With prayers, thoughts, words, and even in material ways, you can also help your brothers to carry their crosses. In this way, you will be able to make the atonement of those who are weighed down by the weight of their pain or struggles more bearable.
10. This is the appropriate time for you to be merciful, therefore, pray, ask, and work. The fields are fertile, and they await you.
11. Pray for peace for all nations. Help to attain it through your prayers. Heal through your thoughts and enlighten your brothers. Truly, I say to you, that your pleas never cease to be heard and answered by your Father.
12. Be prepared, for many will deny that I have communicated through human spokesmen. But you will tell them that it is not the first this has happened; that God has spoken to man in the Three Eras; that since the beginning of time, all prophecies, inspirations, and revelations given to humanity have been divine voices, received through human spokesmen, having guided the people of all times.
13. Those who deny, contradict, or become outraged by your testimony, will do so because they fail to understand spiritual communication, even though they call themselves scholars on earth.
14. It is My will that mankind, through this people, who have witnessed My manifestation in this form, shall learn that man was destined, since his beginning, to communicate with his Heavenly Father; to serve Him as a spokesman on this planet, and that, although in times past the instances of men through whose lips the Lord spoke were isolated, you are now living in a time when men, from generation to generation, will attain greater perfection and clarity in spirit to Spirit communication with the Father.
15. You will announce that, in that time, men will consult all things with their Lord, in order to accomplish their works in the world within the commandments of the divine law. The father of the family will speak to his children with words the Lord puts upon his lips. Teachers will teach under higher inspiration, rulers will know how to communicate the Will of God to their people, judges will submit to the voice of their conscience, which is the light of Him who knows all and who, therefore, is the only one capable of judging with perfection. Doctors will trust in the divine power first and foremost, and their word and healing power will come from the Lord. Men of science will understand the very delicate mission they have brought to earth, and because of their spiritual preperation they will receive divine inspiration. Finally, all who have brought to the world the mission of leading spirits along the path of evolution, will know how to elevate themselves, to receive My revelations and to take them to the hearts of the multitudes, with the light and purity with which they received them.
16. I tell you of an era which will come, which you shall announce and prophesy with certainty that it will come. But if your brethren should make fun of your prophecy, do not despair, for even the apostle John, when he made known what he had received in his communication with the Father, was mocked and even declared mad. Nevertheless, the hour came for the fulfillment of all that seemed impossible to some and strange and incomprehensible to others.
17. The time in which you live today is precisely that time in which all that I said through the mouth of that seer, prophet and spokesman of the Master is being fulfilled.
18. Because of his spiritual vision, that apostle of love and truth was persecuted, martyred and banished. Yet he did not lack My protection against his persecutors and executioners, which is why I tell you not to fear. If they imprison you for this reason, I will set you free; if they deny you work or bread, I will preserve you; if they humiliate or slander you, I will praise you and do you justice; and if they kill you, I will raise you up to the true life.
19. That is why I keep telling you to prepare yourselves through prayer, so that you can spread this prophecy and give this testimony to your brothers, with a heart full of gentleness, strength, faith and love.
20. All that you do in My name, while you prepare yourselves, will have to produce good fruit, and you will see the fulfillment of all that you had desired.
21. Just as I fulfilled all of My promises to men in past times, I will fulfill them for you as well.
22. You are living in times of anguish, in which men purify themselves by enduring great suffering. But those who have analyzed the prophecies already knew that the time was soon to come in which wars would break out everywhere, as nations began to reject one another.
23. Still to come are the strange illnesses and epidemics that will appear among humanity, which will confuse the scientists. And when pain reaches its peak in men, they will still have the strength to shout: "It is a punishment from God!" But I do not punish. It is you who punish yourselves by disregarding the laws which govern your spirit and physical body.
24. Who has unleashed and provoked the forces of nature, if not the foolishness of men? Who has defied My laws? It is the men of science, in their arrogance. But truly, I say to you, this pain will serve to pull out the weeds that have grown in the heart of humanity.
25. Entire fields will be covered with the dead. The innocent will also perish. Some will die by fire, others by hunger, and others by war. The earth will tremble, the elements will move, lava will flow from the mountains, and the seas will become turbulent.
26. I will allow men to push their perversity to the limit, to where their free will allows them, so that, horrified by their own works, they might feel true repentance in their spirits.
27. My humble disciples, although you have many imperfections, you still feel love for your brothers. With peaceful thoughts, with prayers saturated with spiritual light, with brotherly words, and with deeds that contain truth and brotherly love, you need to counteract the negativity that has been unleashed by war. You need to be prepared, for, at the end of the war, multitudes will come from afar, in search of healing for the body and spirit.
28. This multitude now tells me: "O Master, do not leave us when that time comes." To which I answer that I cannot leave you, for I am present throughout all of creation.
29. I will speak to men through the elements of nature. My voice will come forth from the seas. From one end of this planet to the other, spirits will feel themselves touched by the light of the only Being that can truly and tenderly tell you: 'Love one another!'
30. This commandment will become a judge for many. Some will feel it like an open wound in their hearts, and for others it will be like a guardian, who will not allow them to sleep until it is fulfilled.
31. As you can see, I cannot depart from you. Just as one of My prophets said long ago: "In this time, My Spirit will be poured over all flesh and over every spirit."
32. Wherever you go, I will go before you. Wherever you seek me, you will find me. Wherever you rest your gaze, you will perceive me. But, with My Word of this day, I do not want to simply forewarn you of the ordeals and sorrows that await you. If I speak of all that, it is to leave you watching and praying, so that that the trials do not surprise you the moment they befall you.
33. Just as I have announced to you the war and the disasters that await humanity, I also tell you that the day will come when all the nations of the earth will enjoy peace, a day when men will love one another and when their lives, their work, and their deeds on earth will be a gratifying worship to God. That worship will reach me like a perfumed incense rising from this planet.
34. You ask me: "Lord, how long before that time comes?" And I answer you: It will come when humanity finds itself cleansed by pain, repentance, regeneration, and the practice of righteousness.
35. When the spirit of humanity fulfills the covenant it made with its Father, I will fulfill all the promises I made. I will make My secret known, spreading it in the form of wisdom, peace and revelations among My children.
36. O My people, watch and pray while you journey through this world. Prepare yourselves spiritually and physically, for I will soon send you out to speak of My truth.
37. As My doctrine teaches you, prepare your spirits with the practice of prayer, brotherly love, and humility. Also prepare your bodies by having them withdraw from vices and bad habits, forcing them to yield until they learn to work in perfect harmony with the spirit. Once you are prepared, you will see how clearly the path appears before you. That is why I tell you that the life of the spirit, from the time it departs from its spiritual home all the way to its return, is a ladder of evolution.
38. When the Father created you, he placed you on the first step of that ladder, with the purpose of giving you the opportunity, while travelling along that path, to truly know and understand your Creator. But very few ascended on that ladder; the majority departed after the first step! They became united in their disobedience and rebellion, and thus, they made bad use of their gift of freedom. Ignoring the dictates of their consciences, they allowed themselves to be dominated by the flesh, thus creating the force of evil. They dug an abyss they dragged their brothers into through their influence, engaging in a bloody battle between their weakness and perversities, and their yearning for elevation and purity.
39. How different your life would have been on earth had you persevered in goodness and justice, for you would have reaped the fruits of love. Nevertheless, you are not lost, nor have I banished you from My Kingdom. Proof of this is that, when I came to you, enveloping My Presence in human form, I descended to this world you have created; a world with so many errors and imperfections.
40. Here in this world I gave you My blood and body, to show you that I love you, in spite of your ingratitude and obliquity.
41. Man has received spiritual light through his conscience in each of the following: My immutable law, which I gave you in the First Era, the guidance of the prophets strongly urging people to follow the righteous path, My doctrine, and each of My messages. Your spirit would be united with Mine if you had remained pure and followed My law from the beginning of your evolution.
42. The lust of men, their ignorance, their lack of spiritual elevation, the sorrow created by their errors; all of this caused the Father to descend, in order to come and redeem them. He came to show them the book of wisdom they had rejected for the sake of the pleasures of the world. He came to once more show them the true path.
43. Many centuries have passed, and the beings had to return to the world many times, but they still do not understand the essence of My law, or the nature of their own spirit.
44. I am still manifesting Myself to men in human form, though I also say to you that the revelations I have given you during this period will help all beings to evolve spiritually. They will recognize and correct their mistakes, reconstruct that which was destroyed, and regain all that they had lost.
45. Not a single one of the divine seeds that I have sowed will be lost, even though the mistakes made by mankind may have delayed the seeds from blossoming and producing fruit.
46. In this period the soil is being plowed, causing great suffering for humanity, but I must find My seed in order to separate it from the weeds.
47. What was the cause of your sin and your disobedience to My law?
48. Listen, disciples: Before I created you, I already existed, and your spirits were a part of me; however, I did not want you to inherit My Kingdom without having earned merits. I did not want you to possess that which has already existed, without knowing who had created you, nor did I want you to proceed without direction, without a destination, and without an ideal.
49. That is why I gave you a conscience to be your guide. I granted you free will, so that your deeds would have true value before Me. I gave you a spirit, so that it would always yearn to elevate itself towards what is bright and pure. I gave you a body, so that, through the heart, you would be sensitive to the good and beautiful, serving as an instrument to continually test the spirit, to purify it, and to inhabit the material world. The earth has been a school for your spirits, and the presence of the Divine Master has never been lacking in it. Human life has been a book of profound wisdom for the incarnated spirit.
50. When space was illuminated with the presence of spirits for the first time, those spirits, uttering their first words and taking their first steps like little children, not possessing the elevation nor the strength to sustain themselves in highly evolved spiritual mansions, felt the need for assistance and support in order to feel strong. They were given physical bodies and a material world, and in their new state, they acquired experience and knowledge.
51. You have not yet become aware of the mission you must fulfill among humanity in this time. But with My Word I will make you comprehend the struggle you must confront, as well as the form in which you will be able to arrive at your destination.
52. Your brain is small and it is unable to comprehend the true value of the spiritual gifts you possess, nor the divine work that the Father, through this people, must fulfill among humanity.
53. My wise and powerful Will is paving the way for My messengers, My disciples, and My prophets to go forth with the good news of the manifestation of My Word, so that, at the same time, they may prepare the way for the great multitudes of your brethren, whom you call foreigners, to travel to the bosom of your nation.
54. Those multitudes will seem to come in search of bread for the body and peace for the heart. However, I know that it will be their spirit that will pursue the fulfillment of My promise, which has been preserved in the innermost part of every spirit.
55. From distant lands and nations you will see your brethren arrive, desiring the liberation of their spirit. From that ancient Palestine they will come in droves, just like when the tribes of Israel crossed the desert.
56. Their journey has been long and painful, ever since the time they rejected the Messiah, who had come to offer them His Kingdom as a new heritage. But they are approaching the oasis where they will rest and meditate on My Word, so that, after they are strengthened by having recognized My law, they might follow the long forgotten path designated by their evolution. Then you will hear many say that your nation is the new Promised Land, the New Jerusalem. But you will tell them that they will find that Promised Land beyond this world, and that, in order to reach it, one must do so in spirit, after crossing the great desert of trials of this time. You will also tell them that this nation is no more than an oasis in the middle of the desert. But you must understand, My people, that the oasis must give shade to the weary travellers, in addition to offering its crystalline and fresh waters to those who thirst and seek shelter.
57. What is that shadow and that water of which I speak to you? They are My teaching, O people, My divine instruction in the activity of love. And in whom have I placed this wealth of grace and blessings? In you, O people, so that you may ever more free your heart from all selfishness, and present it as a pure mirror in every single one of your works.
58. Would not your spirits and hearts be filled with joy if, through your love, those people who are spiritually unenlightened and attached to their traditions, were able to be converted to the Marian Trinitarian Spiritualist doctrine? Would there not be joy among you if the old Israel were shown the true path by the new Israel, that is to say, that the former would attain grace through the latter? Up until now, nothing has convinced the Jewish people that it should break the ancient traditions, in order to reach its moral and spiritual evolution. These are the people who believe they are following the laws of Jehovah and Moses, but who, in reality, still continue to worship the golden calf. The time is near for those wandering people, scattered throughout the world, to cease looking at the earth, and to elevate their sight towards heaven, in search of the one who, since the beginning, was promised to be their Savior. In the Second Era, they rejected and killed him, because they thought he was poor and that he had nothing to offer.
59. The hour approaches for that cross they sentenced me to to become a rod of justice for each one of those spirits, until their lips will exclaim at last: "Jesus was the Messiah!"
60. They will seek Me in their spiritual poverty, misery and pain, and they will be surprised when they see that He who, in their eyes, possessed nothing in the world, possesses everything, and that those treasures and the Kingdom of which He so often spoke to them, were truth, and they will realize that nothing in the world, no treasure and no wealth, can compare with the peace of the spirit.
61. Even though those people turned their backs on me, I nonetheless await them. For men may be able break their promises, and even their agreements, but I am unchangeable and will always fulfill My promises.
62. If they were told that I would be their Savior, then I will save them; and if they were told that I would take them to My Kingdom, then I will take them to My Kingdom.
My Peace be with you!
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