Episide 14: Tarot Tuesday- What are you NOT manifesting and how to fix it?

2 years ago

This is the episode for career-minded introverted women who have big hearts and help everyone else but are ready to restore some balance by taking care of themselves a little bit, too. We're all about self-love, Law of Attraction, and manifesting!

Today, we're turning to the cards to provide just a different perspective on things, and how we can turn things around if you're feeling stuck just a little. (The cards are used for entertainment purposes only and allow us to open up ideas and conversations!)

We'll cover: The Overall Current Situation, your current energy blocks, your step to overcome it, and your overall Energy that should be focused on to unleash these blocks.

If this is fun, I do offer short, video-recorded tarot sessions, so you can definitely reach out to me about that. I know I have a reading tomorrow with Erika, and I'm so excited! I open them up to do live on occasion, so keep an eye out if you want a live reading vs. a recorded one. If I have enough interest in it, I'll open up a few blocks! Just message me or post ME in the comment.

How did today's reading hit you? Did anything stand out and really make sense? Tell me in the comments!

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