Episode 38: Frisky Friday-

2 years ago

This is the podcast for career and family-minded introverted women who love caring for others but are ready to restore balance by learning to take care of themselves without the guilt. We're all about self-love, law of Attraction, and manifesting so you can learn how to restore your personal and professional life-balance! Get ready for your daily dose of love and caffeination!

Today we're just going to play, go over a few housekeeping items, and a couple special announcements!

Rough morning- Panicked by what I saw on my duck-cam... duh duh duuuuuhhh... it was the remnants of a watermelon. Not duck bodies. YAY!

Speaking of Ducks... Announcement regarding Mr Goose.... he has officially been recognized as The Employee of the Month for November 2022. He's super excited!
*Coffee Chat on Sunday 10:00 am EST
*Book Club to be announced, but registration is open!
Virtual Caffeination Book Club Registration (google.com)
*Sacred Lifestyle Assessment- Free! Take the Assessment to get started!
*Tell me what your wins are for the week!!
*Veteran's Day: As we roll into next week, I want you to submit Veterans you would like for us to honor and shout out on Friday, November 11th for Veteran's Day. Include a photo if you wish, and a quick statement on who they are, what branch they served, where they were stationed (if you know), and why you are thankful for their service. Email this to thissidofchaos.office@gmail.com

Sacred Lifestyle Renewal is a 12-week program that walks you through each of the 10 key aspects of a balanced life, and helps you release energy blocks and old stories, and reprogram your mindset and reestablish a new way of living a balanced life.

Click here to Register for your Assessment: https://this-side-of-chaos-coaching.teachable.com/p/sacred-lifestyle-assessment


The Universe loves clarity. If you want to get started on getting clear on your goals, be sure to snag your free workbook to start creating balance in your life! https://this-side-of-chaos-coaching.teachable.com/p/my-downloadable-1550

Additional Books and Resources: https://this-side-of-chaos-coaching.teachable.com/p/resourcesListen Here: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHACTqOz9pDn9GSz4M1JEeQ

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0DAQsbRP49cDeF6sc1JwLQ...

Website: https://this-side-of-chaos-coaching.teachable.com

Hi, there! I'm Christine DeGennaro, I am a life-balance alchemist on a mission to help you reprogram your thoughts and design your future! I am the author and creator of the Sacred Life List Method, the method that helps women reclaim their personal and profession life balance so they can stop feeling guilty about their self-care and focus on having time for doing what is most important to them. Contact me with questions: thissideofchaos.office@gmail.com

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