Full Coverage - The National Men's March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood - Baltimore,

2 years ago

Full, wall to wall coverage of the National Men's March to Abolish Abortion and Rally for Personhood in Baltimore, Maryland on November 14th, 2022.

Speakers will include:
Jim Havens - Men's March Co-Founder, Host of "The Simple Truth" on The Station of the Cross
Fr. Stephen Imbarrato - "The Protest Priest," Men's March Co-Founder, protestchildkilling.com
Duffy Kane - Church Militant Regional Captain, Baltimore, churchmilitant.com
Fr. Clay Hunt - Canceled Priest, Archdiocese of San Antonio
Frank Cassidy - President of the Board, Brave Resources 4 Life, braveresources4life.com
Bob Schumacher - Regular Men's March Attendee
Jack Ames - Director and Founder, Defend Life, defendlife.org
Dr. Alan Keyes - Catholic Politician, Former U.S. Senate and Presidential Candidate (Maryland)
Mark Roepke - Sound Technician, Conceived in Rape and Given A Chance at Life
Pam Stenzel - Men's March Ambassador and Founder of Enlighten Communications, enlightencom.com
Walter Hoye - Prominent Speaker and Founder of Issues4Life, issues4life.org
Jesse Romero - Internationally Renowned Catholic Speaker and Radio Host, jesseromero.com

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