Is the Corruption in DC Baked Into the Fabric of This Country?

2 years ago

Trump does such a good job like last night, it doesn't make sense why he makes the statements like he does. The room was full but the power behind it was not there.

Blake Masters in AZ is a nice man, the media framed the narrative around the guy and made him sound like an extremist. Bolduc in NH and the media framed him as well as he was trying to get the message out. Mastriano was a nice man but he was a bad candidate. He did not campaign well. He went to the fish in the barrel, he never tried to get the fish in the lake or ocean.

It is going to blow up if and when Mike Pence announces for President and he comes to GA to get Brian Kemp to stand on the stage with him. If you live in GA get ready.

Yesterday a Fulton county superior court Judge ruled that the six week heartbeat bill was unconstitutional. Brian Kemp testified at the grand jury yesterday in Fulton county against trump.

Look whos toking. American’s cannabis advocates tend to be young, rich, suburban, educated liberal and secular while older rural church-going conservatives and Hispantics put the brakes on legalization. Survey shows. Study shows that marijuana smokers are more likely to develop lung disease than cigarette smokers.

Joe is wondering who fired the missile? 2 missiles were fired into Poland. Right after the election Joe is over at the warmonger G20 meeting and Putin doesn’t show up. And at the same time missiles go over to Poland.

Does Trump have too much baggage? Trump laid out a pretty clear plan of what he wants to do last night. Trump knows going in that no one is going to help him. He is going to have to do it alone. The American people (over 50%) don’t have faith and trust in our election system.

Mitch McConnell was determined that as long as Trump was involved McConnell would not win the Senate just to give the narrative that anything Trump touches is no good. Mitch McConnell is satisfied with being the minority leader rather than being a senator in a Republican majority. McConnell will crash the whole damn thing.

Americans overall agree with Trump or is the corruption in DC baked in the fabric of the country now? Too many Americans believe that freedom is the ability to choose where you go on vacation. Elections and confidence in our elections have eroded to the point that they don’t see the point in voting. A good candidate out there may be reluctant to run based on an environment we have created in trying to win an election honestly.

Trump didn’t go backwards, he went forward. He laid out a plan. He wants Quick Trial and be executed for drug charges. Every American should have to sit in county court once a month and listen to the drug trials. They cannot get to outstanding cases. The people in jail go first, because if they aren’t on bond and they are costing the taxpayer. The media is afraid to say too much on this because this kind of stuff sticks to Americans. Trump is going to go in and get the drugs in these cities. He said he will not create any more blue ribbon committees. Trump said he knows what is going on and he was going to go in to stop it. Too many things Trump said last night might connect with Americans.

Mike Pence is having a town hall tonight on CNN. 2024 is a long way off.

Biden asks congress for another $37b in emergency aid for Ukraine and $9.5b to prepare for a COVID winter surge. We have this lame duck and we have to raise the debt ceiling and have to put in an operating budget and there will be little trinkets all over the budget. We know recently that Ukraine put a digital minister and took our money and invested it into crypto and then turned into fiat money and it found its way back to the democrats.

The media is trying to save Mitch right now. McConnel said yesterday at the podium he never predicted the red wave.

We have to change campaign financing. We can not continue to think we will have fair, accurate free elections and the people elect the people when there is 7.3 billions spent to manipulate the election and it doesn’t count the free media narrative that manipulates the election.

Mitch have you requested for Christopher Wrey to answer the question if there were any FBI informants infiltrating the mob that day and entering the capitol that day along with the insurrectionists. Mitch should have come to the podium and laid out an agenda. If he would have come to the podium as the minority leader like a leader should support the nomination for the republican nominee. Have constitutional judges on the benches, not approve any nominee that is sent to us by the administration that is a man that says they are a woman in charge of the kids in school. The republicans are scared to death to say something. If you would have the guts to say, then Rachel/Richard Lavine would not be the Asst HHS secretary and you wouldn’t have to worry if they will come to your school. If you say that you will get elected in this country. 1.8% of the crazy people are pushing the damn cart because we don’t want to get hit.

Suburban St. Louis voters reject drag shows at libraries and schools by a 40 pt margin. If a candidate would come out and say America First Protect Our Kids, you will get elected. All the other issues are irrelevant unless you have the foundation.

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