Snake Aversion Training Our Dogs

2 years ago

In this video we are getting our Two Rebels, Zoey & Willow, snake aversion trained!

Hey and welcome! We are Douglas and Keri! In May of 2022 we quit our jobs and sold our home in Denver, Colorado to move to our off grid homestead property in the high desert of Cochise County, Arizona. Follow along with us as we build our homestead from the ground up!

We finally took the rebels to a snake aversion training session and had a great experience! Now, some of you may be opposed to this because the dogs get a small shock to reinforce the training. Some of you may even say it seems cruel, but we strongly believe that the little shock the dogs received during the training is worth possibly saving their or our lives. You see snake aversion training isn’t just for the dogs, it’s also for us dog owners. Dogs have senses (smell, hearing, vision) far superior to us humans! What we learned is that once our dogs are properly snake trained, if they come across a snake, they will behave in a way that, if we are paying attention, will also help alert us to a snake nearby…we just need to know what to look for.

They also do toad aversion training. There is a toad around the US and in Arizona called a Colorado River toad or a Sonoran Desert toad. It lives in the sand most the year, but pops out after monsoon rains. If touched or handled by a dog, the toads secrete a milky toxin from their parotid gland. It’s important for dogs to avoid them because they have been known to die from contact with this toad. We plan on doing that training soon.

If you are in or near SE Arizona, we would highly recommend Paul Blaushild who runs A-dobe Dog Training. He’s been training dogs for decades and really knows his stuff. You can call him at 520-429-5133 to find out where they are hosting classes next and schedule your time….tell him Zoey and Willow sent you :)

DISCLAIMER: Douglas and Keri are not contractors and the information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes. Please make sure to do your own research!

Once again, thanks for following along with us and we hope to inspire you to live your best life, whatever that might mean for you!



Music by: Licensed by Tunepocket
Video Editing by: iMovie for Windows
All the artwork for this channel are original creations by Douglas because he is an amazing artist!

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