🔬#MESExperiments 26: Increasing Spin Friction Can Make a Gyroscope Rise from a Very Steep 72° Angle

2 years ago

In #MESExperiments 26 I continue further in experimenting with attaching tape to a gyroscope’s rotor to increase spin friction and this time show that doing so makes it possible for a gyroscope to rise from a very steep 72° angle from the vertical. For this particular gyroscope, the previous steepest angle I had been able to make rise, until now, was about 61° from the vertical (see Experiment 12) but was done so without increasing spin friction. Overall, the steepest angle I had made a gyroscope rise from was 74°, see Experiment 13, and it was done so with a different gyroscope which interestingly had naturally more friction in the bearings than that of the precession gyro in this particular Experiment 26. Thus, in both cases it appears that increasing spin friction, even by applying a tiny amount of tape to the rotor, can increase both the rising rate and the maximum angle at which it is possible to get to a fully risen position.

Interestingly, the casing rotation in this experiment was very rapid, and near the risen position the gyroscope becomes very chaotic as it tilts and rises in multiple oscillating sequences. I have included a slow motion footage of this chaotic rising at the end of this video. Had the casing not rotated, I suspect it would just make the rising more smooth since in Experiment 13 the gyro rose from 74° without rotating the casing.

The original unedited experiment can be view here: https://youtu.be/37ewZYMGGFE

The gyroscope weighs 150.69 g and the added tape friction is 0.08 g, which is about 0.05% of the gyroscope’s weight.

The full experiment results along with the screenshots of the experiment progression can be viewed here: https://peakd.com/@mes/mesexperiments-26-increasing-spin-friction-can-make-a-gyroscope-rise-from-a-very-steep-72-angle

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 27…

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