The Mandaeans: The Last Gnostics of the True Tradition. By Dr. James McGrath

1 year ago

The Mandaeans are the world's oldest continuously existing Gnostic sect, and we're talking about them in depth with Dr. James McGrath of Butler University. What do the Mandaeans believe? What do they practice? What's happening to them now? All this and more!

From: Gnostic Wisdom Network, published on Jan 27, 2016
and January 2016.

Dr. McGrath's links:

The Mandaeans have a dualistic view of life; all good is thought to have come from the World of Light (i.e. lightworld) and all evil is considered to be a product of the World of Darkness. Mandaeans consider the body, and all material, worldly things, to have come from the Dark, while the soul (also referred to as the mind) is a product of the lightworld. Mandaeans believe the World of Light is ruled by a heavenly being, known by many names, such as “Life,” “Lord of Greatness,” “Great Mind,” or “King of Light”. This being is so great, vast, and incomprehensible that there are no words to fully depict how awesome Life is. The Lord of Darkness is the ruler of the World of Darkness and was formed from dark waters representing chaos. A main defender of the darkworld is a giant monster, or dragon, with the name “Ur;” an evil, female ruler also inhabits the darkworld, known as “Spirit”. The Mandaeans believe these malevolent rulers created demonic offspring who consider themselves the owners of the Seven (planets) and Twelve (Zodiac signs). Mandaeans revere Adam, Abel, Seth, Enosh, Noah, Shem, Aram and especially John the Baptist, but reject Abraham, Moses and - Jesus of Nazareth.

Picknett, Prince - The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ
Picknett, Prince - The Masks Of Christ: Behind the Lies and Cover-ups about the Man Believed to be God
Andrew Philip Smith - John the Baptist and the Last Gnostics: The Secret History of the Mandaeans
Edmundo Lupieri - The Mandaeans: The Last Gnostics
Drower, E.S - Secret Adam. A Study in Nasoraean Gnosis

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