The Mandaeans - Living Gnostics of the True Tradition. By Dr. James McGrath

2 years ago

Mandaeans are a closed ethno-religious community, practicing Mandaeism, which is a Gnostic religion (manda means "knowledge," as does "gnosis") with a strongly dualistic worldview. They especially reject Jesus and call him a traitor and false prophet who was sent by planetary rulers to lead mankind astray. They do revere John the Baptist instead as the true prophet of God. The Mandaeans respect St. John the Baptist because of his baptizing, since their principal concern is ritual cleanliness and their chief rite is frequent baptism. The custom, which antedated the baptisms of St. John, stems from the belief that living water is the principle of life. They have a communion sacrament, which is offered for the remembrance of the dead and resembles Parsi ritual meals. Their chief holy book, the Ginza Rba, like their other books, is a compendium of cosmology, cosmogony, prayers, legends, and rituals, written at various times and often contradictory. The origin of the Mandaeans is not known; it is conjectured that they came from a mountainous region north of Babylonia and Persia, where they settled in ancient times; however, more recent scholarship places their origin in Palestine or Syria. The sect is diminishing because younger members tend to apostatize, and because Mandaeans do not practice conversion. They have been discriminated against in Iran under the Islamic republic and have been persecuted in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein.

A lunchtime talk about the Mandaeans by Dr. James F. McGrath at Butler University. Part of the Faculty Brown Bag series. January 22nd, 2015.

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