On the Fragility of the Current Regime

2 years ago

My complete, and I do mean complete, analysis of the fragility of the current Regime, including responses to all possible arguments by those who incorrectly claim the Regime is strong.

The written version of this article can be found here: https://theworthyhouse.com/2022/10/31/on-the-fragility-of-the-current-regime/

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This and all Worthy House narrations are offered with accurate closed captions (not auto-generated).

"You are the good guy in a Western movie showdown. You stand in the dusty street, facing your opponent, a black-clad gunslinger with a fearsome reputation. You have seen signs he’s lost his touch—he drinks too much, and sometimes his hands shake and his eyes turn cloudy. But you also know that he’s killed dozens of men. As you hand slides toward your gun, because it must, you wonder: which man do I face? The competent killer, or the hollow shell? We on the Right, and more broadly all Americans based in reality, ask ourselves this question as we square off against our increasingly vicious and unhinged rulers, aptly collectively called simply the Regime." . . .

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