On Private Justice

11 days ago

A complete analysis of private justice, both in the abstract and in the circumstances in which Americans today find ourselves.

The written version of this review can be found here: https://theworthyhouse.com/2024/12/16/on-private-justice/

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This and all Worthy House narrations are offered with embedded (burnt-in) captions.

"For eighty years, Superman’s motto was “Truth, Justice, and the American Way!” In 2020, at the apogee of unchallenged Left power, it changed to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow!” In the fantasy world of comics, only one clause mutated. But in the real world, all three clauses have been transformed into their opposite. Truth has become lies, all-encompassing lies in the service of Left power. And justice has become not blind, impartial justice, but instead a tool directed towards Left ideological ends, the supposed “better tomorrow” with which we are threatened. Thus we must ask ourselves—when public justice fails to be just, at what point does private justice in response become acceptable, or even desirable? . . ."

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