The Dark Personality of Internet Trolls

2 years ago

An Internet troll, sometimes referred to as a cyber bully, is someone who spends time on social media and online networking sites trying to draw other people into contentious, uncivil and sometimes utterly pointless conversations.
Many hide anonymously behind their computers, phones and tablets or may even use fake accounts to cause misery for others through their comments and remarks.
In the second video in this series Darren Magee looks at the research into the personality types of people who troll others online, from the nuisance to the sadistic.

Research has shown people with dark personality types such as the Dark Triad, and Schadenfreude (sadism) are more likely to engage in online trolling. This could also be described as The Dark Tetrad, subclinical elements of psychopathy, narcissism, machiavellianism and sadism.

Further research into online trolling has found a link between loneliness and aggression.

Part one of this video - Nine Different Types of Internet Troll

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