Weaponised Accusations: The Process is the Punishment

1 month ago

Turning accusations and allegations into weapons is a powerful tactic often used by narcissists to dominate others. This video outlines how they frequently employ emotive terms and threats to trap their targets in a never-ending cycle of self-defense, using the accusation itself as a tool of control and punish. This is known as “the process is the punishment”—a strategy that’s less about finding resolution and more about keeping the other person off balance, anxious, and drained.

This video looks at how this tactic appears in relationships, workplaces, social media, and even in societal conflicts, shedding light on why narcissists thrive on these cycles and the impact it can have on their targets.

00:00 Intro
00:30 Narcissism
01:13 Nature of the accusations
03:09 Covert Aggression
03:55 In Relationships
04:42 In the Workplace
05:59 Social Media
07:57 In Society
08:57 How the tactic works
10:24 Conclusion

Dr Craig Malkin, "Rethinking Narcissism"

Dr George Simon, https://www.drgeorgesimon.com/covert-aggression-and-the-gaslighting-effect/

Greg Lukainoff, Jonathan Haidt, "The Coddling of the American Mind"

#narcissisticabuseawareness #narcissisticmanipulation #narcissistic

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