NEVER GIVE UP! 3x6 132.5 Kgs High Defecit Deadlifts.

2 years ago

Despite my Paused Squats going really well, I was feeling pretty beat down/low battery by the end of these. Had to psyche myself up a bit, hahaha. These moved okay, although I don't think quite as fast and smooth as last week. Oh well, it is not out of the ordinary as the volume and fatigue mounts, I suppose. I also cut the top of my middle finger off with a freaking cheese grater, because I am an absolute moron, and the wound kept breaking open, and spilling blood all over the place. On top of that, the fall weather really made everything damp and full of condensation, so everything was much harder to grip. But am I going to let that stop me? HELL NO. Dab a bit out of chalk on, man up, and fight through the blood and the pain. I will only come out SONGER for it 🤘🏻.

Song: "Collapse" - After The Burial

Follow me also on Bitchute, Odysee, and YouTube!

Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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