Cyclic Breathing (CB): Introduction with Prof. Juliette

2 years ago

Here the Journey of Awakening begins in earnest!

A very simple, effective and even fun approach would be : emotions begin in the mind, ripple throughout our lives, impacting on our bodies, families, work situation and on the cosmos in ways we cannot even imagine. Further, controlling the breath would greatly assist in controlling our emotional expression (our « stress ») and, therefore, breath control = mind-control. Let’s learn to control the breathing.
Очень простой, эффективный и даже забавный подход: эмоции начинаются в уме, пульсируют на протяжении всей нашей жизни, воздействуя на наши тела, семьи, рабочую ситуацию и космос способами, которые мы даже не можем себе представить. Кроме того, контроль дыхания значительно помог бы контролировать наше эмоциональное выражение (наш «стресс») и, следовательно, контроль дыхания = контроль над разумом. Давайте научимся контролировать дыхание.

"With deep and quiet breathing, vitality will improve, which will influence the brain and help the mind to grow pure and stable and fit for meditation. Without vitality, little can be done, hence the importance of its protection and increase. Posture and breathing are a part of yoga, for the body must be healthy and well under control, but too much concentration on the body defeats its own purpose, for it is the mind that is primary in the beginning. When the mind has been put to rest and disturbs no longer the inner space (chidakash), the body acquires a new meaning and its transformation becomes both necessary and possible.


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