October 20, 2022 Miamisburg School Board Title IX Changes to include LGBTQ Protections

2 years ago

Scott Taylor presented the following to the Miamisburg School Board on October 20, 2022

I wish to thank you for affording me the opportunity to speak with you today regarding my insights from attending the State School board meeting public on December 12th regarding Brendon Shays proposal entitled


U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley struck down enforcing these changes and for good reason.

For one thing, it is the responsibility of the legislative branch to create legislation. .

Secondly Title 9 should not be revised to include LGBTQ protections since their status is not immutable. Have met several that thought they were LGBTQ but no longer.

Much of what I have to share with you is found in the book IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE by Abigail Shrier.
This is a must read if you wish to understand this issue and I have a copy for each of you.

One takeaway from the book is the research by Kenneth Zucker who stated:

Some children latch onto gender dysphoria as a way of coping with trauma or other distress. A therapist needs to question the patient's understanding of gender in order to determine why the patient might have fixated on that as a source of their problem.

Observed that In cases in which a child had not been socially transitioned by parents, she found that 88 percent outgrew their dysphoria

Dangers of extending LGBT protections to Title IX regulations:

- Dr. Littman observed that Gender dysphoria is an epidemic that is sweeping out school being transmitted as a social cotangent especially among team girls. Dr. Littman asserts that most of them are misdiagnosed. Affirmation therapy does not attempt to determine the cause of the feelings but simply affirms that the patient is saying. Now imagine having a daughter who is in elementary school, she is affirmed in her beliefs, socially transitioned and given chemicals to turn off her puberty that is irreversible. Now when her peers mature and she does not, she will be more isolated. If she had not gone down this road, she would have likely outgrew the dysphoria.
- Transgender men can invade women's private space and then crush them athletically. The reality is that Men are stronger then Women. For example, My Kentucky High School State Cross Country time of 17:30 back in 1982 in which I placed 17th to this day beats the Girls State record. This in itself undermines the very reason that title IX protections were created in the first place.
- Title nine protections extended to LGBTQ trumps parental rights and pits children against parents and schools. This is an assault on parental rights.

In closing I encourage you to read the book Abigail Shrier book and be vigilant in looking out for students.

Article containing Brendan Shea's Resolution:

Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Attempt to Reinterpret Discrimination Laws:

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