Illustrating The Rapture and the Bride of Christ PART 1

2 years ago

Mike teaches today. 10/22/22

Temporary Notes (small sample):
Illustrating The Rapture and the Bride of Christ PART 1 OF TWO PARTS

The great work of the Father for His Beloved Son, is for Him to have His own heavens realm and share it with His Consort chosen out of mankind, this has been the subject set forth in Scripture as the great mystery from the foundation of the World (eph1;3,4,9,10; 3:9,1-11;hebs3:1).
The Son of Man having been found to be of a perfect ruling character; in that He is both manifest as a selfless sacrificial Lamb and mighty conquering Lion. His Consort/Wife is given unto Him by the Father (john17:6). And the Son gave Himself up for her (eph5:25-27; titus2:11-14).

The Old Testament set forth Israel as the ‘wife’ of God the Father with the assurance of then and now an Earthly inheritance; though she be in a present state of divorcement (isa50:1;jer3;ezk16) she shall be restored at the end of Daniels 70 weeks (dan9:24) to her chosen place and ‘marital’ ruling status in the Earthly Land of Kingdom Promise as set forth in many Passages.

What is not taught and therefore not understood is that the ‘kingdom’ call that the Nation of Israel rejected was that CALL of an additional sphere in this realm, that of dominion in the unseen first heavens associated with this earth. The Earthly command to take dominion extended to Adam was always in anticipation of the higher spheres calling in this Kingdom; the heaven of this Earth;… with its higher and greater state of ‘life,’ authority and honor (dan4:26b “…after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule.”).
From Abraham and his sons we have recorded in Scripture their awareness of the prospects of that part of this Kingdom, that they fixed their hearts upon and earnestly desired (hebs11:9-16). That which leavened Christendom has wrongly interpreted and misappropriated as a faith promise to the merely born again believer who has received eternal life, that being of their sure inheritance in the 3rd Heaven with God, after they die or if they are alive when Jesus Returns then they will not die but automatically be changed in a twinkling of an eye and caught up into Heaven and abide in their promised mansion. And that is in answer to what modern day Christendom has taught; that by simply ‘believing’ in Jesus sustitutionary work, and being justified in Him that they are automatically the ‘Bride’ of Christ, to be recipients of good things in the blessings of the Lord while alive on the Earth, to be changed with a glorious body and Raptured into Heaven or if they should die before His Second Coming, at death they are caught up to Him in Heaven. Setting aside all those doctrines for a minute let us look at Scripture.

Israel is depicted in the Old Testament as the “wife” of God. She was chosen by God out of all the Nations to be His “wife”…not all the Nations are the ‘wife’ of God, only Israel.

The Father will present unto the Son His Bride (john17:6) selected out of all the ‘saved’ incorporated into His Body (1cor12:12).
Not all that make up the ‘Body’ will be the ‘Bride’…but only those selected, this can be seen in one place typically as mentioned, in that the Nation of Israel was chosen out of all the Nations to be the Fathers Wife.
Being then also set forth typically in Eve being sought out and found suitable from among ‘others’ and presented unto Adam who only could be the “help meet (in his likeness) for him” …who would be able to share His Love, Regality and Kingly Authority as his bride / wife (gen2:18-25).

Again Scripture gives type with Rebecca being sought out and chosen from among others of Abraham’s clan/family and presented to Isaac, the son who was to be heir (gen24 being typical of the Holy Spirit in this Dispensation seeking out a Bride for Christ).

And the heavenly Bride of Christ, being those selected out of the Nation of the One New Man, to share in the Oneness marriage Union, is no more clearly seen typically than from the story of Ruth, the alien Gentile, presented unto rich and stately Boaz (ruth2:1)

So as it was stated above; that before the Age of Re-Creation that God the Father had determined the Son and His Consort would replace satan in this Realm typically set forth first in the creation of Adam and Eve. And not only will Jesus and His Bride reign in this Realm they shall be the last Rulers in this Realm. For in the future this Realm is appropriatly to be done away with and the New Realm is Created (rev21:1). Then being of a single Heaven and a new Earth following the Millennial reign of Jesus and His Bride.… the New Heaven diadem is in the form of the New Jerusalem that crowns the New Realm, becoming that place wherein “…the Throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it (being now one Throne from which They reign); and His servants shall serve Him; and they shall see His face (esther1:14;hebs12:14b); and their names shall be in their foreheads (implies they have His Character and glory…..

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