Are you Ready for a flurry of October Surprises?

2 years ago

Do not early vote. Early voting is designed for cheating. If you vote early because you know who you are voting for, so do they. Vote on election day and turn out the masses.

Go find another program if you want to cry over Herschel Walker, knowing that there is the 51 senate seat open, knowing what has happened in this country with Joe Biden and Warnock voting along with the Biden administration.

What is more concerning to a mother at the grocery store. The story of Herschel paying for the abortion or the price of eggs, milk and bread?

We are going to show you how the democrats are in such disarray. Rick Scott and Tom Cotton have come in for Herschel Walker.

ATL had their pride parade. Stacey Abrams, John Osoff and Raphael Warnock march in the parade. They are ok with puberty blockers at the age of 12. They are ok with the school principal calling today to talk about your 12 yo daughter being your son because she has transitioned. So if you have come to commiserate about Herschel Walker you need to wake up. You need to get up and know that October is going to be a battle. Warnock is the #1 funded senate candidate in the US. We need to bring the starters in the game and wake up. Warnock is running commercials where he is standing in a bin of peanuts. They want to let you know that he worked on bi partisan legislation for farmers. Then he is standing next to railroad tracks saying he worked on bipartisan legislation to make railroad crossing safer. When you go into the ballot box to vote, think of Warnock standing next to railroad tracks and peanuts and do you feel safer for his work on those legislation. While gas prices are rising to 3.92 national average. Look up gas prices. Look up crime.

The October surprises are not surprises. We are ready. And they know it.
Warnock is a pastor who is maybe a gay pastor, a pro-choice pastor, a pastor that marches in a gay pride parade. A pastor says that God and Jesus is pro-choice.

If you want to save this country, GA will let Warnock go back to the pulpit where he is the false profit.

There will be more october surprises this year than Putin has bombs to drop on Kviv.

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