Breakfast with the Dirt Cult (Samuel Finlay)

2 years ago

A modern classic, of war and relations between the sexes, with a great deal to say about the present American moment.

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"In 1952, Ralph Ellison published, to great acclaim, his first and only novel, 'Invisible Man.' The book narrated how Ellison’s protagonist, a black man, suffered social oppression. But that was long ago, and one thing black people definitely don’t suffer anymore is oppression. Rather, many dish it out, aided by their allies of other races, as seen most dramatically in the terroristic Floyd Riots, but it happens every day in every organization in America. The targets are, most of all, those at the bottom of today’s social hierarchy—heterosexual (that is, normal) white men outside the professional-managerial elite. And Samuel Finlay’s 'Breakfast with the Dirt Cult' is, one might say, the new 'Invisible Man.' " . . .

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