Think On These Things

2 years ago

I love end of the day as the sun is setting on the day. I like to think about the happenings of the day and seeing all that God did in the day. He definitely treks through with us, and when you really look back on your day, you can see His Hand in your day. Sometimes we get so busy and then we are exhausted at the end of a day and we miss out on all those little miraculous things God did throughout the day.

Then there are those stormy tumultuous days were everything that could go wrong goes wrong and sometimes you can’t even begin to reconcile some of the things that happened and your soul is in an uproar emotionally at the end of the day. It is those times, that we need to hand over to God all the unreconciled things. Lord, here you go, I can’t fix that, can you hold on to it, can you make a way for that crooked path to be straightened out, because I sure can’t. At the end of the day if you want to lay down in peace and sleep, this is a necessary thing. Hand it over, everything that is still not finished that is not looking like it will end well, give it to God, that is the safest, best place for it. If you don’t, believe me, not much sleep will be had. Whenever you get ready to retire for the evening the best thing to do is think of good things. Whatever things are good, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are peaceful and pure, think on these things. Gratefulness really promotes a peaceful atmosphere in your soul and makes it easier to sleep at night. So, think on some things you can be grateful for, and let that peace that surpasses all understanding soul saturate you and sleep well. Sweet Dreams Heart To Heart.
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