🙏Change Our Hearts

1 day ago

🙏Would You Not Revive Us Again Lord God? Change The Direction Of Our Hearts, God. We have been serving no power higher than self. Redirect us to You, revive us in Your Dunamis power, purify us, and quiet our human condition as we wholly-holy align our hearts with You, undivided loyalty to You and Your Kingdom.

Look at how far we have fallen without God. It was our enemies purpose to bring us to the place we find ourselves in. (John 10:10) It started as a drift away from God, a little bit at a time, we drifted (Hebrews 2:1) into our own way, making up our own truth’s living our own lives apart from God. The Bible is actually a great source of wisdom to keep us from falling so far down as we find ourselves now in a culturally, chaotic mess where we can’t seem to see a way out except further down. The Bible warns, the Bible guards, The Bible is powerful at transforming us.

God wants to be a part of our life because He knows our human nature, He knows what we are capable of. Yet we took God out of everything, we took the Bible out of everything and here we are with a society totally out of control, dominated by illegitimate evil power.

How far have we drifted! Far! And we all are paying the consequences for it. But, we haven’t drifted so far that we can’t be reached by God. He pursues us, He never stops reaching for us. He loves us that much. How much? He sent His only begotten son to die for us, to restore relationship between us and Him. (John 3:16) He gave us the opportunity to choose. He gave us free will. All along He has said if we turn to Him, He will remove our stubborn heart, (Ezekiel 11:19-20) our hard heart and give us a pliable, soft heart that responds to Him, a devoted heart, an undivided heart (Psalm 86:11-12) of loyalty and love, a beautiful, peaceful, incredible way to live life.

God even told us the way back to Him, when we have drifted away and fallen far, just turn back to Him, ask for forgiveness, and change our ways back to what is true and right. (2 Chronicles 7:14) If we would just talk with Him, share our broken hearts with Him, ask Him back into our lives, yield to His way, truth and life, He would make a way back for us, He would restore us, revive us once again. (Psalm 85)

🙏Pray for this nation for God to revive us again, heart to heart with Him, stop the drift away from Him and give us an undivided heart. We need to yield to God. Y.I.E.L.D. Yes, I Embrace Lordship Daily. We pray for forgiveness, we pray for clarity in our soul that we might wholly-holy align our spirit with Jesus, to be like Him, a servant warrior, a servant leader, all in with the mission and purpose of God. Change us, Revive Us Lord God.

Dig Deeper:
Prayer- Talk It Up With God: Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness. Pour out even more of your love on us! Reveal more of your kindness and restore us back to you! Now I’ll listen carefully for your voice and wait to hear whatever you say. Let me hear your promise of peace— the message every one of your godly lovers longs to hear. Don’t let us in our ignorance turn back from following you. For I know your power and presence shines on all your devoted lovers. Your glory always hovers over all who bow low before you. Your mercy and your truth have married each other. Your righteousness and peace have kissed. Flowers of your faithfulness are blooming on the earth. Righteousness shines down from the sky. Yes, the Lord keeps raining down blessing after blessing, and prosperity will drench the land with a bountiful harvest. For deliverance goes before him, preparing a path for his steps.Psalms 85:6-13 TPT

We have drifted so far from God... Lord God... Bring us back to You! 🙏Change Us, Change Our Hearts, Change Our Direction From Downwards To Upwards. Pray!

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