Gripen Joins B-52 for Bomber Task Force Mission

2 years ago

Gripen Joins B-52 for Bomber Task Force Mission.

Multiple B-52 explosions from Minot Air Base, ND, arrived at RAF Fairford, UK, on ​​August 18 as part of a development task force mission in the US Air Force in Europe announced.

“The Bomber Task Force missions across Europe provide a great opportunity to enhance our joint preparedness, improve interoperability, and demonstrate our global strength estimate with our Allies,” General James Hecker, commander of USAFE-AFAFRICA, said in a statement. “Our primary strength in the European area of ​​operations is lethal joint force—our ability to train and operate with our Allies and partners as a layered, capable and credible combat team.”

Flying to Fairford, the B-52 of the 5th Bomb Wing began training quickly with the allies, integrating with fighters from Norway and Sweden.

For Sweden, in particular, the interaction is not to be missed another milestone as the country continues to advance towards NATO membership.

"Watching our nation's Gripen fighters fly alongside some of America's most powerful aircraft visually illustrates NATO's strength and solidarity," Major General Carl-Johan Edström, commander of the Swedish Air Force, said in a statement. “These moments really capture the military power that is within NATO—as individual nations, but, more importantly, as a unified Alliance.”

Media reports in the UK noted four of the iconic bombers landed at Fairford, attracting much attention from local residents.

"The mission of developing our strategy demonstrates our ever-present global strike capability," Lt. Col. Ryan Loucks, commander of the BTF's 23rd Expeditionary Bomb Squadron. “The B-52 remains a universally recognized symbol of American assurance to our Allies and partners.”

This is the second time this year a B-52 from Minot has flown to RAF Fairford on a tourist task force mission. In February, four developed suddenly in Europe . Previously, B-1B bombers from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, were deployed to RAF Fairford in November 2021.

RAF Fairford is the only forward operation location for building the US in Europe, so expanding task forces are usually based from there, with missions flying across continents and sometimes further afield within US air power estimates and as opportunities for aircrews to integrate. with allies and partners.

The latest BTF since the first Air Force has announced Russia invaded Ukraine in late February, increasing security across the region and leading NATO to significantly increase policing and air defense missions along its eastern flank. The USAFE release on the mission did not mention Russia, and did not specify whether the B-52s would fly over Eastern Europe during their time in the region.

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