How To Set Habits & Prioritize Fitness

2 years ago

I get asked all the time on how to make sure fitness is a priority in your life. Well, the answer is long-winded but, definitely worth the listen.
Here are some quick tips to make fitness a priority in your life:

Incorporate a work-backward method to add time to your morning. We all lose 20-30 minutes later in our days, by either scrolling through our phones, playing video games, or watching TV and when asked we say that it is too late to get a workout in. So instead take that 20-30 minutes and put it into your morning. The morning is a great time to get things done because it prevents last minute things from being thrown in front of you.
Avoid drive-thrus. Drive-thrus are a great way to waste time and be inactive. I have seen countless times how much faster it is to park, walk in, order and get out before those on a drive-thru. Getting that extra 100 steps in per day for that morning cup of coffee, is a great way to get an extra 36,500 steps in per year.
Radius rule: The radius rule is a great way to make sure you get those extra steps in your day. Using the radius rule, you can set parameters in which you always have to walk.
Park in the back. I can't tell you how many times I see people wait for a closer spot, when in reality it takes me quicker to park in the back and walk to wherever I am going. Now you saved time and got those extra steps in.
Don't blame kids or spouses for poor eating habits and instead use a reward system, If you kids want ice cream at Carvel, don't just go get ice cream. Tell them that you can go on Sunday, if they do a 10 minute walk with you everyday. Now your kids got over an hour of walking in extra a week and you got some well needed bonding time. Plus a good rule of thumb, if it isn't good for you to eat it then it isn't good for your kids to eat it.
These 5 tips can do wonders to help keep your health on track! The may sound unneeded but, compounded together I promise they will make a lasting impression!

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