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China Has Already COLLAPSED! (You Just Haven’t Seen It Yet)

2 years ago

From Casgains Academy.

Original YouTube Video:



It’s no secret that China’s economy is collapsing as I speak. China is implementing the strictest COVID lockdown in history, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Housing sales are crashing, the stock market is tumbling, the Chinese yuan is being devalued, social unrest is erupting, and the credit market is falling apart. China’s economic failure isn’t just a typical recession. It’s the biggest property downturn in history and a serious threat to the global economy.

Every economy relies on the consumer to drive economic growth. China’s consumers are in the worst position in history, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that. China’s consumer confidence index is currently the lowest it’s been in the history of the index, which dates all the way back to 1991. The reason why this is extremely concerning is because it creates a terrifying feedback loop. One man’s spending is another man’s income. If consumers are not spending money on goods, then consumers are also not going to receive income. For instance an employee working for Didi spending less money on Alibaba.com will lead to less profits for Alibaba. This causes employees of Alibaba to be laid off or see their salaries be cut. The result of that is less money spent on another company’s products, which only lowers income even more.

If you’re a Chinese citizen, this is a frightening situation to be in. The worst part about it is that the government is responsible for the country’s failing economy. China’s zero-COVID policy, which involves trying to keep COVID cases at zero, has crashed the economy into pieces.

The Chinese government has a goal of literally reaching zero covid cases. That’s right, zero covid cases. We all know that’s not possible when China has a population size of 1.4 billion people.This is why authoritarian governments can make terrible decisions. When the government has an unreasonable target like zero COVID cases, the government will enact any regulation to help reach that target. In order to do almost anything, citizens are forced to have a negative test within the past 72 hours. We’re talking about riding a train, going shopping, eating at a restaurant – all of this will require a negative COVID test. This would be fine if getting a test was easy, but when you have 16 million people in one city trying to get tested, it’s no surprise that the testing lines are packed. So as a result of COVID testing regulations, people can’t go shopping. They can’t go see their family. Some can’t even go to work. This is already horrifying, but forced lockdowns are even worse.

The entire city of Shanghai, which has a population of 26 million people, was forced to lock down for 70 days after a COVID breakout occurred. Some might think that the lockdown has subsided now, but the COVID regulations aren’t over. One single COVID case in the city of Shenzhen forced large portions of the city to undergo mass testing. Imagine neighborhoods of people being forced to test just because one person got COVID. Such a strict protocol is ridiculous and it’s clear that the economic repercussions are going to be unprecedented.

Perhaps one of the most serious implications of the COVID lockdowns includes a further downfall in China’s housing market. The Chinese housing market is one of the biggest bubbles in history. It’s so massive that some might wonder how it came to be in the first place. Allocating capital to investments is extremely important for any citizen. Nobody wants to look at their cash rot away to inflation over time. As a result, a typical person might take a look at the stock market, but Chinese stocks are notoriously risky. Companies like Didi, the largest ride hailing company in China, have seen their valuations tank by 75 to 90% just because of the chinese communist party. The entire $1 trillion education sector went to 0 overnight as the government turned the originally private industry into a public one. The Chinese superstar entrepreneur Jack Ma was torn apart after mysteriously disappearing for 3 months.

And to make matters even worse, the Chinese government has scared away international investors by keeping the risk of a delisting on the US market. These delisting risks are only continuing to grow as time goes on. So stocks aren’t really an option for Chinese citizens to invest in. But what about other assets? The vast majority of other assets are not even available to invest in. Just take a look at Bitcoin, which experienced a nationwide ban in 2021. The only place for Chinese citizens to invest in is the property market. The problem with this is that there is too much capital looking for too little opportunities to invest in. Because Chinese citizens have nowhere to invest their money, a bubble has formed in the real estate market. Property developers have taken out billions of dollars of debt to quickly expand their real estate portfolios...


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