BUNKER BUSTER !! The Bomb That Ended a War !!

2 years ago

How do you destroy a bunker made of concrete, buried 50 feet underground, especially when it’s never been done before? That was a challenge for the US Air Force during Operation Desert Storm, as Iraqis intelligence and command personnel were stationed inside concrete bunkers,

so deep underground, that the US and the rest of the coalition had no weapon to penetrate them. But in an unbelievable feat of ingenuity, engineering and cooperation, the US military designed, manufactured and successfully deployed a weapon,

in less than 4 weeks, which left Saddam Hussein with no option
but to surrender. And that weapon looked something like this, but it’s Not What You Think! Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, with the purpose of annexing Kuwait, acquiring their large oil reserves, and also to avoid paying back the money that Kuwait had loaned to Iraq which had funded Saddam’s war against Iran in the 1980s. As economic sanctions proved ineffective,

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