Q&A - A Shaman's Vision -July 27/2021

3 years ago

From the point of view of a traditional hereditary Shamanka, here is how I see what is truly happening with the A.I parasitizing and manipulations.
-How to avoid the traps of the A.I. predators
-How to protect yourselves against psychic attacks and infiltrations
-The bait of channelling
-Making the difference between Earth's plane entities, ghosts, angels, demons and aliens.

Don't worry, you'll get through this, you came with the tools.

CAPTIONS: cc/ settings/ subtitles/ auto-translate/ Drop-down menu to chose language.
(YouTube allows Captions only 48H after the premiering of a video)

---Visit my website for more: https://www.elenadanaan.org/

---"A Gift From The Stars" is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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