What will Sweden bring to NATO air power? Is it gripen or something else ?

2 years ago

What will Sweden bring to NATO air power? Is it gripen or something else ?

As an unintended consequence of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Finland and Sweden would abandon their positions of historical neutrality and wish to join NATO. What combat power will your Air Force bring?

But in real terms, what power does the Swedish Air Force bring to the NATO table?

Swedish Air Force
SAAB JAS-39C Gripen
The Swedish Air Force deployed the JAS-39 Gripen light fighter, in its C variant, as the main defensive/offensive means, numbering between 65 and 70 units.

This small but powerful fighter was designed according to Sweden's specific requirements, such as being an easy and inexpensive machine to operate, with minimal logistical impact, and being able to be used on combat missions from roads in the country's interior. (spread operating doctrine), in order to avoid destruction of their base in the event of a possible conflict with the former Soviet Union

Despite their age, the Gripen C underwent some modernization work and today they are a very valid fighter aircraft, capable of using MBDA's Meteor long-range air-to-air missiles.

The one-seater and 20 two-seater Gripen D will receive further modernization work, to remain in place until 2035, at which point they will need to be replaced by the next generation fighter, potentially the Tempest.

In addition, the Air Force commissioned SAAB to produce 60 E-series Gripens, a highly modern, more powerful and capable version of the JAS-39C, also acquired by the Brazilian Air Force.

special mission plane
Sweden has a high-tech defense industry, capable of developing its own highly capable electronic reconnaissance platform.

The Swedish Air Force has two Gulftream IV aircraft, modified with intelligence systems to carry out electronic reconnaissance missions, or ELINT.

It also has two SAAB 340 AEW airborne early warning aircraft (used to have 6 of this type), which mounts the Erieye air exploration radar, is capable of detecting aircraft in all types of aviation and weather regimes, in addition to having maritime detection capabilities. These aircraft will be replaced by two GlobalEye AEW&Cs, which are much more powerful than the SAAB 340 AEW, both for the platform and for the new generation of sensors.

cargo and transportation
Given Sweden's size and the fact that there has so far been no need for long-range deployments, the contribution it makes to NATO's logistics transport capability will be relatively small.

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News Source :https://www.aviacionline.com
video by : https://www.youtube.com/user/SaabGroup
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