Our Political Class are Psycho Killers!

4 years ago

We have several things to discuss today. First among them is Governor Cuomo. It seems that his cover up of nursing home deaths (due to his policies) was bad enough that even the democrats cannot ignore it anymore. Calls are going out for an investigation. How the mighty have fallen.

Nancy Pelosi is calling for a 9/11 probe into Donald Trump and the January 6 riots. I think there needs to be a 9/11 investigation into these governors in several states putting COVID patients in with the most vulnerable. If it was just Cuomo we could say he was just an idiot, but it wasn't. Was this part of that shadow campaign to beat Trump that Time.com was talking about? Was someone directing these governors? I think these are questions that need to be asked.

Nancy Pelosi slammed her hand on a podium because Donald Trump was acquitted. Lets face it, this is just bad political theatre. She knew from the start that Trump was never going to be convicted. What was the real purpose of the trial? Just to vilify anyone who may have supported Trump?

I am really starting to wonder about things in this country. The same people who killed thousands of old people to prevent Trump from looking good, doctored evidence for an impeachment trial, and take away your rights certainly never did anything questionable in any elections... I am getting a sick feeling.

Now these people want to start a domestic war on terror. In response to that I have to say that terrorists have no rights, they do not get trials, and they get blown up in drone strikes while sitting in cafes. I don't know about you, but I really don't like them flirting with calling everyone on the right a potential terrorist.

Now those of you who are waiting for a civil war. The war is not coming, because it has been going on for decades. We think of our freedom as being safely tucked under the mattress for a rainy day. Well, the rainy days are here, and we are reaching in to find it was stolen a long time ago. Its time to accept that its already gone. We cannot protect what we do not have. Accepting this is the first step to getting it back, and we need it back. If we do not have freedom in this country, then we really don't have anything.

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