How Do You Want To Show Up In The World?

2 years ago

Who do you want to be?

Are you happy with yourself or is there a part of you that wants to change?

Do you want to step up?

Do you want to step into the new you?

Your attitude

Your words

Your body language

All show people who you are.

Perception is reality.

People believe what they want to see. Get into STATE - (I explain what this is in the video).

If you want to step up and be a leader there are some things that you can do to help yourself .

1. You can dress the part.

2. Act as if (role-play).

3. Say how it is. Be a straight, concise speaker.

4. Share your knowledge.

5. Listen to others.

6. Be authentic.

If you want to be a great public speaker there are things that you can do.

1. Join Toastmasters.

2. Practice.

3. Model others.

If you want to be different from your family and friends.

1. Make a decision to act differently.

2. Find your tribe. Find like minded friends that act like your family and nurture you.

If you need help making changes in your life, you might need a helping hand, you can contact me and find out how we can work together.

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