Walk It Out

2 years ago

Emotions get stirred up so much by the enemy of our soul, who is so good at disrupting our peaceful emotions. I had such an emotional week with a few things going on in my life at once that were stirring up sad and negative emotions. Have you been there and had that kind of a day or a week even!? It is not fun and emotions can be so exhausting. I am so grateful that even though our emotions make us tired, they don’t tire God out or make God tired of us. God is not afraid of our emotions and always has a heart wide open to us, a safe place to dump out our emotions. Tara Leigh Cobble said this: “God is not afraid of our emotions. God can be trusted to do what is right, even when our feelings are wrong. God can handle receiving the honest outpouring of our emotions, even the ones that don’t honor him or align with His plan.”

God is our safe place of unconditional love. When I dumped my emotions out on God, walking it out and talking it up, God treated me kind of like he did Elijah, very practically. Get some food, get some soul rest, and take some time with Me. So I did. I went to my favorite place, the beach, and brought some food with me and I walked out my emotions on the beach. It was such a beautiful evening with God. I dumped out everything that I was feeling, and He took it and changed up the atmosphere in my soul to Shalom: disrupted chaos with His peace. Change happens within families and it shakes life up, but God is faithful to listen and direct our emotions to truth, flip-flopping them from negative to positive, from lie to truth, from incivility to civility, and from hurt to healing. We have so much to be grateful for as we continue to be His.

God listens to us and doesn’t judge our emotions, but embraces them as if they were His own. This is a safe atmosphere, in God’s Presence, sharing our hearts. God chooses us and He stays consistent in our lives even if that means coming into a soul wild with chaotic emotions. God proves to us that He is faithful and trustworthy and that we are a keeper. God works with us through all the fleshing out of our human condition and He helps us to, grow us through from emotion to the steadfastness of truth. When I can’t wrap my mind around something it stirs up my emotions like no other. I know that if I walk it out and talk it up with Jesus, I will end up being okay and won’t dump out my emotions on some poor human being! God can defeat the enemy by thwarting the scheme of the enemy that is in play. As I walk it out, I put on the armor of God and position myself underneath the rulership of God and this always ends well for me, but not so well for the enemy of my soul. Walk It Out – Talk It Up! Finish Well!
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/good-thoughts-emotions/

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